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This paper was presented at the first Cornell LL.M Association Conference, Cornell Law School, Myron Taylor Hall, April 3, 2004.


Iran faces many different challenges, both international and internal when it comes to human rights. Since the beginning of the improvements in 1997, the civil society voices its will for changes. It has grown stronger and today the Iranian civil society attempts to reform the country’s rough human rights. Their efforts are grounded in social actions. Reforms are consequently no longer coming from the top to the bottom but from the bottom to the top. Conservatives disagree with those threatening changes and respond through a variety of forms. One of the methods used are legal means. The Iranian judiciary represses all innovations initiated by the civil society. The challenge for the civil society resides in its survival, the reconciliation between human rights and Islam and the modification of the Iranian legal system as to respect international human rights standards.

Date of Authorship for this Version

April 2004


