On the backdrop of three important quotes and based on a wealth of underlying research, this article presents a systematic review of growth and development measurement in general and specifically in relation to Zambia’s prospects of achieving middle income status by 2030. It highlights what it takes to achieve middle income status and what the limitations of such ambitions are. In commenting about Zambia’s prospects, the article presents detailed cross-country comparisons with selected African economies. Attention is paid to aspects of economic (income) growth, human development and true human progress, using a range of international indicators in the analysis. Ultimately the article puts forward a number of key propositions about achieving middle income status by 2030 as well as achieving broader human development.
Recommended Citation
Seshamani, Venkatesh
"Achieving Middle-Income Status by 2030: Is this the Most Appropriate Objective for Zambia?,"
Zambia Social Science Journal: Vol. 1:
2, Article 7.
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