Cornell International Law Journal
Volume 16, Number 1 (Winter 1983)
The Dismissal of Employees under the Unfair Dismissal Law in the United Kingdom and Labor Arbitration Proceedings in the United States: The Parameters of Reasonableness and Just Cause
Barry I. Mordsley and Steven R. Wall
Private Enterprise in a Planned Economy: Implementation and Nullification of Soviet Law
George M. Armstrong Jr.
Book Review
A Tribute to Mohammad Hidayatullah
Bertram F. Willcox
Forum Non Conveniens in International Maritime Collision Litigation in the Federal Courts: A Suggested Approach
Edwin W. Dennard
The Use of Interest Analysis in the Extraterritorial Application of United States Antitrust Law
Edward A. Rosic Jr.
Beyond the Bargaining Table: Canada’s Use of Section 115 of the United States Clean Air Act to Prevent Acid Rain
John L. Sullivan
International Patent Cooperation: The Next Step
Warren S. Wolfeld