Cornell International Law Journal
Volume 20, Number 1 (Winter 1987)
A Critique of the Emerging Convention on the Rights of the Child
Walter H. Bennett Jr.
The United States and Antarctica: Rethinking the Interplay of Law and Interests
Christopher C. Joyner and Ethel R. Theis
Gray Market Goulash: The Problem of At-The-Border Restrictions on Importation of Genuine Trademarked Goods
Seth E. Lipner
Presidential Authority under Section 337, Section 301, and the Escape Clause: The Case for Less Discretion
Kevin C. Kennedy
Rejected Cambodian Refugees: Prior Persecutors or Victims of an Illegal Screening Process
Deborah G. Bowers
The Natural Resources Subsidy Bills: Should They be Adopted
John M. Bradham