Cornell International Law Journal
Volume 35, Number 3 (Symposium: Terrorism: The Legal Implications of the Response to September 11, 2001)
Emergency Rule, Normalcy Exception: The Erosion of the Right to Silence in the United Kingdom
K. A. Cavanaugh
Procedural Due Process Meets National Security: The Problem of Classified Evidence in Immigration Proceedings
Matthew R. Hall
Limiting Attacks on Dual-Use Facilities Performing Indispensable Civilian Functions
Henry Shue and David Wippman
Conflicting Views of Terrorism
Shibley Telhami
Narco-Terrorism: The New Discovery of an Old Connection
Donnie Marshall
Comments on the Use of Force in Afghanistan
Judith Miller
9/11 and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Gwyn Prins
World Trade after September 11, 2001: The U.S. Response
Leslie Alan Glick
A Tribute to Paul Szasz
John J. Barcelo III and David Wippman