Volume 79, Issue 6
Symposium: National Health Care Reform on Trial
Blending Reform of Tort Liability and Health Insurance: A Necessary Mix
Jeffrey O'Connell
National Health Care Program: What Its Effect Would Be On American Tort Law and Malpractice Law
Gary T. Schwartz
Universal Health Care and the Continued Reliance on Custom in Determining Medical Malpractice
James A. Henderson Jr. and John A. Siliciano
Health Security Act: Coercion and Distrust for the Market
H. Richard Beresford
Health Care Reform: Perspectives from the Economic Theory of Regulation and the Econimc Theory of Statutory Interpretation
Henry N. Butler and Jonathan R. Macey
Health Care Reform and Competing Visions of Medical Care: Antitrust and State Provider Cooperation Legislation
James F. Blumstein
Managed Competition Integrated Delivery Systems and Antitrust
Thomas L. Greaney
Health Insurance Purchasing Alliances: Monopoly Threat or Procompetitive Rx for Health Sector Ills
Frances H. Miller
Book Review
Status Contract and Covenant
Margaret F. Brinig