Volume 97, Issue 5
Symposium: Financial Regulatory Reform in the Wake of the Dodd-Frank Act
Credit Card Pricing: The Card Act and Beyond
Oren Bar-Gill and Ryan Bubb
Political Economy of Dodd-Frank: Why Financial Reform Tends to be Frustrated and Systemic Risk Perpetuated
John C. Coffee Jr.
The Limits of Name-and-Shame in International Financial Regulation
Edward F. Greene and Joshua L. Boehm
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Financial Regulation for the twenty-First Century
Leonard J. Kennedy, Patricia A. McCoy, and Ethan Bernstein
Uncertainty, Dangerous Optimism, and Speculation: An Inquiry into Some Limits of Democratic Governance
Lynn A. Stout
Dodd-Frank’s Say on Pay: Will it Lead to a Greater Role for Shareholders in Corporate Governance
Randall S. Thomas, Alan R. Palmiter, and James F. Cotter
The Goldilocks Approach: Financial Risk and Staged Regulation
Charles K. Whitehead