Submissions from 2009
The Social-Obligation Norm in American Property Law, Gregory S. Alexander
Properties of Community, Gregory S. Alexander and Eduardo M. Peñalver
Burden of Proof, Prima Facie Case and Presumption in WTO Dispute Settlement, John J. Barceló III
Of Atkins and Men: Deviations from Clinical Definitions of Mental Retardation in Death Penalty Cases, John H. Blume, Sheri Johnson, and Christopher W. Seeds
Litigation Realities Redux, Kevin M. Clermont
Employment Discrimination Plaintiffs in Federal Court: From Bad to Worse?, Kevin M. Clermont and Stewart J. Schwab
Taking a Stand on Taking the Stand: The Effect of a Prior Criminal Record on the Decision to Testify and On Trial Outcomes, Theodore Eisenberg and Valerie P. Hans
Plaintiphobia in State Courts? An Empirical Study of State Court Trials on Appeal, Theodore Eisenberg and Michael Heise
Bailouts, Buy-Ins, and Ballyhoo, Robert C. Hockett
Justice in Time, Robert C. Hockett
Not Just Key Numbers and Keywords Anymore: How User Interface Design Affects Legal Research, Julie M. Jones
Land Virtues, Eduardo M. Peñalver
Legal Taxonomy, Emily Sherwin
A Jury of One: Opinion Formation, Conformity, and Dissent on Juries, Nicole L. Waters and Valerie P. Hans
Submissions from 2008
An Overview of Brazilian Corporate Governance, Bernard S. Black, Antonio Gledson de Carvalho, and Érica Gorga
The Dilemma of the Criminal Defendant with a Prior Record - Lessons from the Wrongfully Convicted, John H. Blume
CAFA Judicata: A Tale of Waste and Politics, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Summary Judgment Rates Over time, Across Case Categories, and Across Districts: An Empirical Study of Three Large Federal Districts, Theodore Eisenberg and Charlotte Lanvers
Arbitration's Summer Soldiers: An Empirical Study of Arbitration Clauses in Consumer and Nonconsumer Contracts, Theodore Eisenberg, Geoffrey P. Miller, and Emily Sherwin
Pareto versus Welfare, Robert C. Hockett
Reflective Intensions: Two Foundational Decision-Points in Mathematics, Law, and Economics, Robert C. Hockett
Toward a Global Shareholder Society, Robert C. Hockett
The Intent-to-Benefit: Individually Enforceable Rights Under International Treaties, Sital Kalantry
Like A Nation State, Douglas Kysar and Bernadette A. Meyler
Finding and Citing the "Unimportant" Decisions of the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Peter W. Martin
Online Access to Court Records - from Documents to Data, Particulars to Patterns, Peter W. Martin
Reconfiguring Law Reports and the Concept of Precedent for a Digital Age, Peter W. Martin
The State Attorney General and Preemption, Trevor W. Morrison
Unconscious Bias and the 2008 Presidential Election, Gregory S. Parks and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Is Public Reason Counterproductive?, Eduardo M. Peñalver
Cultural Conflicts, Annelise Riles
The Jurisprudence of Pleading: Rights, Rules, and Conley v. Gibson, Emily Sherwin
Democratic Governance, Distributive Justice and Development, Chantal Thomas
Re-Reading Weber in Law and Development: A Critical Intellectual History of "Good Governance" Reform, Chantal Thomas
Lawyers as Quasi-Public Actors, W. Bradley Wendel
Submissions from 2007
Commentaries: The Ambiguous Work of “Natural Property Rights”, Gregory S. Alexander
Anti-Foreign-Suit Injunctions to Enforce Arbitration Agreements, John J. Barceló III
Every Juror Wants a Story: Narrative Relevance, Third Party Guilt and the Right to Present a Defense, John H. Blume, Sheri L. Johnson, and Emily C. Paavola
Xenophilia or Xenophobia in American Courts? Before and After 9/11, Kevin M. Clermont and Theodore Eisenberg
Legal Information Management in a Global and Digital Age: Revolution and Tradition, Claire M. Germain
The Twenty-First Century Jury: Worst of Times or Best of Times?, Valerie P. Hans
Science in the Jury Box: Jurors' Views and Understanding of Mitochondrial DNA Evidence, Valerie P. Hans, David H. Kaye, B. Michael Dann, Erin J. Farley, and Stephanie Albertson
After the Crash: Citizens' Perceptions of Connective-Tissue Injury Lawsuits, Valerie P. Hans and Nicole Vadino
The Quiet Revolution in U.S. Antitrust Law, George Hay
"Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" American and Australian Approaches to Exclusionary Conduct, George Hay and Rhonda L. Smith
The Story of San Antonio Independent School Dist. v. Rodriguez: School Finance, Local Control, and Constitutional Limits, Michael Heise
How to Create a Commercial Calamity, Robert A. Hillman
The Impossibility of a Prescriptive Paretian, Robert C. Hockett
Valuing the Waiver: The Real Beauty of Ex Ante over Ex Post, Robert C. Hockett
What Kinds of Stock Ownership Plans Should There Be? Of ESOPs, Other SOPs and "Ownership Societies", Robert C. Hockett
Maintaining Competition in Copying: Narrowing the Scope of Gene Patents, Oskar Liivak
The Limits of Group Rights: Religious Institutions and Religious Minorities in International Law, Bernadette A. Meyler
Transparency and Textuality: Wilkie Collins' Law Books, Bernadette A. Meyler
Complete Preemption and the Separation of Powers, Trevor W. Morrison
Suspension and the Extrajudicial Constitution, Trevor W. Morrison
Three Reasons Why Even Good Property Rights Cause Moral Anxiety, Emily Sherwin
Jurisprudence and Judicial Ethics, W. Bradley Wendel
Personal Integrity and the Conflict between Ordinary and Institutional Values, W. Bradley Wendel
Submissions from 2006
Forty Years of Codification of Estates and Trusts Law: Lessons for the Next Generation, Gregory S. Alexander and Mary L. Fellows
Demystifying Legal Reasoning: Part II, Larry Alexander and Emily Sherwin
Harmonizing Preferential Rules of Origin in the WTO System, John J. Barceló III
The Status of WTO Rules in U.S. Law, John J. Barceló III
Jurisdictional Fact, Kevin M. Clermont
Looking Deathworthy: Perceived Stereotypicality of Black Defendants Predicts Capital-Sentencing Outcomes, Jennifer L. Eberhardt, P G. Davies, Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Judges, Juries, and Punitive Damages: Empirical Analyses Using the Civil Justice Survey of State Courts 1992, 1996, and 2001 Data, Theodore Eisenberg, Paula L. Hannaford, Michael Heise, Neil LaFountain, Brian Ostrom, Martin T. Wells, and G. Thomas Munsterman
The Relation Between Punitive and Compensatory Awards: Combining Extreme Data with the Mass of Awards, Theodore Eisenberg, Valerie P. Hans, and Martin T. Wells
Do Juries Add Value?: Evidence from an Empirical Study of Jury Trial Waiver Clauses in Large Corporate Contracts, Theodore Eisenberg and Geoffrey P. Miller
What's Wrong with Involuntary Manslaughter?, Stephen P. Garvey
The Political Economy of Education Federalism, Michael Heise
From Macro to Micro to “Mission-Creep”: Defending the IMF’s Emerging Concern with the Infrastructural Prerequisites to Global Financial Stability, Robert C. Hockett
From "Mission-Creep" to Gestalt Switch: Justice, Finance, the IFIS, and Globalization's Intended Beneficiaries, Robert C. Hockett
Institutional Fixes versus Fixed Institutions, Robert C. Hockett
Noncomparabilities & Non Standard Logics, Robert C. Hockett
Review Essay: The Limits of Their World, Robert C. Hockett
Whose Ownership? Which Society?, Robert C. Hockett
Primary Goods Revisited: The "Political Problem" and Its Rawlsian Solution, Robert C. Hockett and Mathias Risse
Torture as a Problem in Ordinary Legal Interpretation, Alan Hyde
Discounting, On Stilts, DOUGLAS A. KYSAR
It Might Have Been: Risk, Precaution, and Opportunity Costs, Douglas A. Kysar
Neutral Citation, Court Web Sites, and Access to Case Law, Peter W. Martin
Did NEPA Drown New Orleans? The Levees, The Blame Game, and the Hazards of Hindsight, Thomas O. McGarity and Douglas A. Kysar
Economic Emergency and the Rule of Law, Bernadette A. Meyler
Substitute Chancellors: The Role of the Jury in the Contest between Common Law and Equity, Bernadette A. Meyler
Towards a Common Law Originalism, Bernadette A. Meyler
Constitutional Avoidance in the Executive Branch, Trevor W. Morrison
Restoring the Right Constitution?, Eduardo M. Peñalver
Love, Money, and Justice: Restitution Between Cohabitants, Emily Sherwin
Beyond Interstate Recognition in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate, Gary J. Simson
Institutional and Individual Justification in Legal Ethics: The Problem of Client Selection, W. Bradley Wendel
Lawyers, Citizens, and the Internal Point of View, W. Bradley Wendel
Submissions from 2005
The Reliability of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Database: An Initial Empirical Analysis, Theodore Eisenberg and Margo Schlanger
Fraud by Hindsight, G. Mitu Gulati, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, and Donald C. Langevoort
On-line Consumer Standard-Form Contracting Practices: A Survey and Discussion of Legal Implications, Robert A. Hillman
A Jeffersonian Republic by Hamiltonian Means: Values, Constraints & Finance in an Authentic American Ownership Society, Robert C. Hockett
Three (Potential) Pillars of Transnational Economic Justice: The Bretton Woods Institutions as Guarantors of Global Equal Treatment and Market Completion, Robert C. Hockett
Sustainable Development and Private Global Governance, Douglas A. Kysar
Environmental Tribalism, Douglas A. Kysar and James Salzman
In Praise of Investor Irrationality, Gregory La Blanc and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski