

Editor-in-Chief: O'Brien Kaaba, University of Zambia
Editorial Board: Chanda Chungu, University of Cape Town
  Tinenenji Banda, University of Zambia, Southern African Institute of Policy and Research
  Nicholas Khan-Fogel, University of Arkansas
  Muna Ndulo, Cornell Law School
  Mapange Nsapato, Chibesakunda & Company
  Edward Sampa, Chibesakunda & Company
  Chanda Tembo, University of Zambia
  Dunia Zongwe, University of Namibia

SAIPAR Case Review provides commentaries on select judgments of the superior courts in Zambia and the wider region. The purpose of the review is to raise the discourse around the jurisprudence of these important courts and in so doing, stimulate debate on topics of legal significance and hopefully, make a significant contribution to the legal press in the region. The SCR will be published twice a year – May and December.

Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 2 (2024) November 2023

Prefatory Matter


Editorial Note
O'Brien Kaaba and Madrine Mukabili

Case Commentaries