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Cornell International Law Journal (Journals)
ISSN 0010-8812
Founded in 1967, the Cornell International Law Journal (ILJ) is one of the oldest and most prominent international law journals in the United States. Three times a year, the Journal publishes scholarship that reflects the sweeping changes that are taking place in public and private international law. Each issue features articles by legal scholars, practitioners, and participants in international politics, as well as student-written notes.
David Rochelle
Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy (Journals)
ISSN 0010-8847
Founded in 1991, the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy (JLPP) has quickly risen to become one of the leading public policy journals in the nation. A fixture among the top 10 policy journals, JLPP has consistently been among the top 100 student-edited law journals.
JLPP publishes articles, student notes, essays, book reviews, and other scholarly works that examine the intersections of compelling public or social policy issues and the law. As a journal of law and policy, we are a publication that not only analyzes the law but also seeks to impact its development.
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Cornell Law Review (Journals)
ISSN 0010-8847
Founded in 1915, the Cornell Law Review is a student-run and student-edited journal that strives to publish novel scholarship that will have an immediate and lasting impact on the legal community. The Cornell Law Review publishes seven print issues annually consisting of articles, essays, book reviews, and student notes.
Manny SanchezWEBSITE
www.cornelllawreview.orgInternational Journal of Legal Information (Journals)
the Official Journal of the International Association of Law Libraries
Scholarship @ Cornell Law holdings for the International Journal of Legal Information are limited to volume 33:1 (Spring 2005) – volume 38:2 (Summer 2010).

SAIPAR Case Review (Journals)
ISSN 2522-686X
SAIPAR Case Review provides commentaries on select judgments of the superior courts in Zambia and the wider region. The purpose of the review is to raise the discourse around the jurisprudence of these important courts and in so doing, stimulate debate on topics of legal significance and hopefully, make a significant contribution to the legal press in the region. The SCR will be published twice a year – May and December.
Southern African Journal of Policy and Development (Journals)
The Southern African Journal of Policy and Development publishes articles, policy briefs and reviews of current importance to Southern Africa. Focused on informing policy and development within Southern Africa, the short articles, policy briefs and reviews should be of theoretical and practical relevance on the following issues: law, health, politics and governance, economics, social, development, technology, and peace and security.
Submitted articles will go through a process of anonymous peer review.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Zambia Social Science Journal (Journals)
The Zambia Social Science Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal focused on scholarly work in the social sciences and development. Its primary objective is to serve as a forum for argument, debate, review, reflection and discussion. The Journal is published bi-annually, and is available in print and electronic form. Subscription rates for print version available upon request.