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Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Animal rights
Animal Law | Ethics and Political Philosophy
This article, Decoding “Never Again,” narrates its author’s experience as a child of two Holocaust survivors, one of whom participated in rescuing thousands of his fellow Jews during the war. Colb meditates on this legacy and concludes that her understanding of it has played an important role in inspiring her scholarship about (and ethical commitment to) animal rights. She examines and analyzes the ways in which analogies between the Holocaust and anything else can trigger people’s anger and offense, and she then draws a distinction between occasions when offense is an appropriate response to such analogies and when it need not be. In conclusion, she explains what she believes is the true message of “Never Again,” a commitment that necessarily transcends the particulars of what happened to the Jews during World War II.
Recommended Citation
Sherry F. Colb, "Decoding 'Never Again'," 16 Rutgers Journal of Law & Religion (2015)