Submissions from 2024
Boeing Ruling Is A Cautionary Tale For Trade Secret Litigants, Matthew D'Amore
Cultivating Teaching Assistants' Professional Identities, Lara Freed and Rachel T. Goldberg
A New Reporter Confronts the Supreme Court’s Unpublished Decisions, Peter W. Martin
Submissions from 2023
Beliefs and Probabilities: The Errors That Remain Are Mine Alone, Kevin M. Clermont
Labor Law Unrealized: The Stifling of Workers’ Collective Rights in the United States, Angela B. Cornell
Representative Sara Jacobs and Senator Dick Durbin Take Aim at the DoD Law of War Manual - and Miss, Brian L. Cox
Recovering Grammar, Rachel T. Goldberg
Defamation 2.0, Cortelyou C. Kenney
Submissions from 2022
Sharing Your Home with Strangers: Common-Interest Ownership and Financing Options, Debra Bechtel, Crystal Liu, Ernira Mehmetaj, and David Reiss
Submissions from 2021
Inflation in the 21st Century: Taking Down the Inflationary Straw Man of the 1970s, Daniel Alpert; Cornell Research Academy of Development, Law, and Economics; and Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
Scorched Border Litigation, Briana Beltran, Beth Lyon, and Nan Schivone
Law’s Disaster: Heritage at Risk, Sara C. Bronin
Rules of the Road: The Struggle for Safety and the Unmet Promise of Federalism, Sara C. Bronin
Rewriting Our Nation's Deadly Traffic Manual, Sara C. Bronin and Gregory H. Shill
Competing Explanations for Parallel Conduct: Lessons from the Australian Detergent Case (Colgate-Palmolive), George Hay and E. Jane Murdoch
Transnational Law as a Framework for Law Clinics, Sital Kalantry and Rachael E. Hancock
The Time Has Come for Disaggregated Sovereign Bankruptcy, Odette Lienau
Submissions from 2020
Connecticut Cities, Towns Cutting Red Tape Amid COVID-19 Crisis, Sara C. Bronin
Harm to Border Irreparable, Sara C. Bronin
What the Pandemic Can Teach Climate Attorneys, Sara C. Bronin
Zoning for Families, Sara C. Bronin
A Theory of Factfinding: The Logic for Processing Evidence, Kevin M. Clermont
Reconciling Forum-Selection and Choice-of-Law Clauses, Kevin M. Clermont
Rules, Standards, and Such, Kevin M. Clermont
Minding the Empagran Gap, Maggie Gardner
Spyware vs. Spyware: Software Conflicts and User Autonomy, James Grimmelmann
Does Docket Size Matter? Revisiting Empirical Accounts of the Supreme Court's Incredibly Shrinking Docket, Michael Heise, Martin T. Wells, and Dawn M. Chutkow
More Contract Lore, Robert A. Hillman
When Contact Kills: Indigenous Peoples Living in Voluntary Isolation During COVID, Sital Kalantry and Nicholas Koeppen
The Contested Boundaries of Emerging International Migration Law in the Post-Pandemic, Ian M. Kysel and Chantal Thomas
Sovereign Debt, Private Wealth, and Market Failure, Odette Lienau
The Multiple Selves of Economic Self-Determination, Odette Lienau
Dealing with Disruption: Emerging Approaches to Fintech Regulation, Saule T. Omarova
Medical and Mental Health Implications of Gestational Surrogacy and Trends in State Regulations on Compensated Gestational Surrogacy: A Report Submitted to the New York State Legislature, Steven Spandorfer, Allison Petrini, and Sital Kalantry
Recruiting for the Future: A Realistic Road to a Points-Tested Visa Program in the United States, Stephen W. Yale-Loehr and Mackenzie Eason
Submissions from 2019
Split Derivatives: Inside the World's Most Misunderstood Contract, Dan Awrey
Navigating the Moral Minefields of Human Rights Advocacy in the Global South, Sandra L. Babcock
Comprehensive Rezonings, Sara C. Bronin
Post-denial Strategies: How to Get from "No" to "Yes", Diane M. Butler, Leslie K. Dellon, David Isaacson, and Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
Constitutional Maturity, or Reading Weber in the Age of Trump, Josh Chafetz
Noncitizens in the U.S. Military: Navigating National Security Concerns and Recruitment Needs, Muzaffar Chishti, Austin Rose, and Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
The Silliness of Magical Realism, Kevin M. Clermont
Teaching Students to Use Feedback to Improve Their Legal-Writing Skills, Lara Gelbwasser Freed and Joel Atlas
Abstention at the Border, Maggie Gardner
Bone Crusher 2.0: The Fourth Annual Greg Lastowka Memorial Lecture, James Grimmelmann
Listeners' Choices, James Grimmelmann
Money's Past is Fintech's Future: Wildcat Crypto, the Digital Dollar, and Citizen Central Banking, Robert C. Hockett
Misdemeanor Appeals, Nancy J. King and Michael Heise
Challenging H-1B Denials in Federal Courts: Trends and Strategies, Hun Lee and Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
New Tech v. New Deal: Fintech as a Systemic Phenomenon, Saule T. Omarova
The 'Too Big To Fail' Problem, Saule T. Omarova
Accounting for Awards: An Examination of Juror Reasoning behind Pain and Suffering Damage Award Decisions, Krystia Reed, Valerie P. Hans, and Valerie F. Reyna
Removals to Somalia in Light of the Convention against Torture: Recent Evidence from Somali Bantu Deportees, Daniel J. Van Lehman and Estelle M. McKee
Submissions from 2018
Of Buildings, Statues, Art, and Sperm: The Right to Destroy and the Duty to Preserve, Gregory S. Alexander
Legal vs. Factual Normative Questions & the True Scope of Ring, Emad H. Atiq
What Unconditional Credence in Individual Desert Claims Does Retributivism Require?, Emad H. Atiq
The Limits of Law in the Evaluation of Mitigating Evidence, Emad H. Atiq and Erin L. Miller
The Shadow Payment System, Dan Awrey and Kristin van Zwieten
Contested Visions: The Value of Systems Theory for Corporate Law, Tamara Belinfanti and Lynn A. Stout
Living Apart Together as a “Family Form” Among Persons of Retirement Age: The Appropriate Family Law Response, Cynthia Grant Bowman
MDL v. Trump: The Puzzle of Public Law in Multidistrict Litigation, Andrew D. Bradt and Zachary D. Clopton
Reasoned Verdicts: Oversold?, Kayla A. Burd and Valerie P. Hans
The Brennan Lecture: the Separation of Powers and the Public, Josh Chafetz
How Constitutional Norms Break Down, Josh Chafetz and David E. Pozen
Common Sense on Standards of Proof, Kevin M. Clermont
Degrees of Deference: Applying vs. Adopting Another Sovereign's Law, Kevin M. Clermont
Diagonal Public Enforcement, Zachary D. Clopton
Making State Civil Procedure, Zachary D. Clopton
Procedural Retrenchment and the States, Zachary D. Clopton
A Cooperative Federalism Approach to Shareholder Arbitration, Zachary D. Clopton and Verity Winship
Congressional Power to Strip State Courts of Jurisdiction, Michael C. Dorf
The Constitutional Politics Heller Launched, Michael C. Dorf
Evaluating Employment Arbitration: A Call for Better Empirical Research, Samuel Estreicher, Michael Heise, and David Sherwyn
A Structural Approach to Case Synthesis, Fact Application, and Persuasive Framing of the Law, Lara Gelbwasser Freed and Joel Atlas
Agency and Insanity, Stephen P. Garvey
A Pragmatist's View of Promissory Law with a Focus on Consent and Reliance, Robert A. Hillman
Article 2 of the UCC: Some Thoughts on Success or Failure in the Twenty-First Century, Robert A. Hillman
Just Prices, Robert C. Hockett and Roy Kreitner
Private Wealth and Public Goods: A Case for a National Investment Authority, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
Convictions of Innocent People with Intellectual Disability, Sheri Johnson, John H. Blume, and Amelia Courtney Hritz
Regulating Markets for Gestational Care: Comparative Perspectives on Surrogacy in the United States and India, Sital Kalantry
Balanced Judicial Realism in the Service of Justice: Judge Richard D. Cudahy, Elizabeth Mertz and Cynthia Grant Bowman
Ethical Finance as a Systemic Challenge: Risk, Culture, and Structure, Saule T. Omarova
The Role of Skills Instruction in Legal Education, Eduardo M. Peñalver
The Ethical Challenges of the Marketplace, Eduardo M. Peñalver
Gains, Losses, and Judges: Framing and the Judiciary, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski and Andrew J. Wistrich
The Regulation of Residential Real Estate Finance Under Trump, David Reiss
The Trump Administration and Residential Real Estate Finance, David Reiss
The Rationality of Promising, Emily Sherwin
Delegating for Trust, Edward H. Stiglitz
Trade and Development in an Era of Multipolarity and Reterritorialization, Chantal Thomas
Markets, Morals, and the Maintenance of Government, Laura S. Underkuffler
Autonomy Isn't Everything: Some Cautionary Notes on McCoy v. Louisiana, W. Bradley Wendel
Economic Rationality and Ethical Values in Design-Defect Analysis: The Trolley Problem and Autonomous Vehicles, W. Bradley Wendel
Truthfulness as an Ethical Form of Life, W. Bradley Wendel
Submissions from 2017
Objects of Art; Objects of Property, Gregory S. Alexander
U.S. Nonprofit Activity in Cuba: The Cuban Context, Elizabeth Brundige, Lucia Dominguez Cisneros, Eduardo M. Peñalver, and Laura Spitz
Exemplary Legal Writing 2016: Books Selected by our Respectable Authorities: Five Recommendations, Femi Cadmus
Unprecedented? Judicial Confirmation Battles and the Search for a Usable Past, Josh Chafetz
Pain and Suffering Damages in Personal Injury Cases: An Empirical Study, Yun-chien Chang, Theodore Eisenberg, Tsung Hsien Li, and Martin T. Wells
Limiting the Last-in-Time Rule for Judgments, Kevin M. Clermont
Inter-American Court Recognizes Elevated Status of Trade Unions, Rejects Standing of Corporations, Angela B. Cornell
Sixth Circuit Undermines Labor Statute, Angela B. Cornell
Should Compensated Surrogacy Be Permitted or Prohibited?, Cornell Law School. International Human Rights Policy Advocacy Clinic and National Law University, Delhi
Signing Statements and Presidentializing Legislative History, John M. de Figueiredo and Edward H. Stiglitz
Donald Trump and Other Agents of Constitutional Change, Michael C. Dorf
If It Walks Like Systematic Exclusion and Quacks Like Systematic Exclusion: Follow-Up on Removal of Women and African-Americans in Jury Selection in South Carolina Capital Cases, 1997-2014, Ann M. Eisenberg, Amelia Courtney Hritz, Caisa Elizabeth Royer, and John H. Blume
Inside the Arbitrator's Mind, Susan D. Franck, Anne van Aaken, James Freda, Chris Guthrie, and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Parochial Procedure, Maggie Gardner
Retiring Forum Non Conveniens, Maggie Gardner
Real + Imaginary = Complex: Toward a Better Property Course, James Grimmelmann
When Tenure Standards Are Wrong, James Grimmelmann
Incomprehensible Discrimination, James Grimmelmann and Daniel Westreich
Dignity Takings, Dignity Restoration: A Tort Law Perspective, Valerie P. Hans
From No Child Left Behind to Every Student Succeeds: Back to a Future for Education Federalism, Michael Heise
Monsanto Lecture: The Complicated Business of State Supreme Court Elections: An Empirical Perspective, Michael Heise
State Criminal Appeals Revealed, Michael Heise, Nancy J. King, and Nicole A. Heise
Trial by Numbers, Rebecca K. Helm, Valerie P. Hans, and Valerie F. Reyna
Consumer Internet Standard Form Contracts in India: A Proposal, Robert A. Hillman
Are Bank Fiduciaries Special?, Robert C. Hockett
Putting Distribution First, Robert C. Hockett
The Finance Franchise, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
The Pre-Furman Juvenile Death Penalty in South Carolina: Young Black Life Was Cheap, Sheri Lynn Johnson, John H. Blume, and Hannah L. Freedman
The French Veil Ban: A Transnational Legal Feminist Approach, Sital Kalantry
Law in Hiding: Market Principles in the Global Legal Order, Odette Lienau
Private Law and the Future of Patents, Oskar Liivak
Philosophical Legal Ethics: An Affectionate History, David Luban and W. Bradley Wendel
Did Russian Cyber Interference in the 2016 Election Violate International Law?, Jens David Ohlin
Bank Governance and Systemic Stability: The "Golden Share" Approach, Saule T. Omarova
Law in the Work of Felix Gonzales-Torres, Eduardo M. Peñalver and Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento
Judging the Judiciary by the Numbers: Empirical Research on Judges, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski and Andrew J. Wistrich
Accessible Credit, Sustainable Credit and the Federal Housing Administration, David Reiss
The Federal Housing Administration and African-American Homeownership, David Reiss
Law-and-Economics Approaches to Labour and Employment Law, Stewart J. Schwab
Forces of Federalism, Safety Nets, and Waivers, Edward H. Stiglitz
Submissions from 2016
Five Easy Pieces: Recurrent Themes in American Property Law, Gregory S. Alexander
The Final Legal-Writing Class: Parting Wisdom for Students, Joel Atlas, Estelle McKee, and Andrea J. Mooney
The Mechanisms of Derivatives Market Efficiency, Dan Awrey
Forty Years of Death: The Past, Present, and Future of the Death Penalty in South Carolina (Still Arbitrary after All These Years), John H. Blume and Lindsey S. Vann
Coming to Grips with the Ethical Challenges for Capital Post-Conviction Representation Posed by Martinez v. Ryan, John H. Blume and W. Bradley Wendel
Recovering Socialism for Feminist Legal Theory in the 21 st Century, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Don't End or Audit the Fed: Central Bank Independence in an Age of Austerity, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
The Quintessential Law Library and Librarian in a Digital Era, Femi Cadmus
Gridlock?, Josh Chafetz
Civil Procedure's Five Big Ideas, Kevin M. Clermont
Res Judicata as Requisite for Justice, Kevin M. Clermont
Data Institutionalism: A Reply to Andrew Woods, Zachary D. Clopton
Judging Foreign States, Zachary D. Clopton
Redundant Public-Private Enforcement, Zachary D. Clopton
Territoriality, Technology, and National Security, Zachary D. Clopton
"Never Having Loved at All": An Overlooked Interest that Grounds the Abortion Right, Sherry F. Colb
Sharing the Prosperity: Why We Still Need Organized Labor, Angela B. Cornell
Supreme Court Tie in Teacher Case Delivers a Crucial Victory to Unions, Angela B. Cornell
The 2015 Changes to the Federal Rules Matter for Your Patent Case and Tech Business: Getting in the Courthouse Door Just Got Tougher, Matthew D'Amore
Incidental Burdens and the Nature of Judicial Review, Michael C. Dorf
RJR Nabisco and the Runaway Canon, Maggie Gardner
Instrumentalizing the Expressive: Transplanting Sentencing Circles into the Canadian Criminal Trial, Toby S. Goldbach
Consenting to Computer Use, James Grimmelmann
Copyright for Literate Robots, James Grimmelmann
There's No Such Thing as a Computer-Authored Work - And It's a Good Thing, Too, James Grimmelmann
Revisiting Eisenberg and Plaintiff Success: State Court Civil Trial and Appellate Outcomes, Michael Heise and Martin T. Wells
"Special," Vestigial, or Visionary? What Bank Regulation Tells Us about the Corporation - and Vice Versa, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
Systemically Significant Prices, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
Legal Interpreter for the Jury: The Role of the Clerk of the Court in Spain, Mar Jimeno-Bulnes and Valerie P. Hans
When Empathy Bites Back: Cautionary Tales from Neuroscience for Capital Sentencing, Sheri Lynn Johnson, Amelia Courtney Hritz, Caisa Elizabeth Royer, and John H. Blume
Embedded Contracts and a Continuum of Sovereign Debt, Odette Lienau
Legitimacy and Impartiality as Basic Principles for Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Odette Lienau
The Challenge of Legitimacy in Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Odette Lienau
A Crisis of Faith & the Scientific Future of Patent Theory, Oskar Liivak
The Unresolved Interpretive Ambiguity of Patent Claims, Oskar Liivak
Introduction to Juries and Mixed Tribunals across the Globe: New Developments, Common Challenges and Future Directions, Nancy S. Marder and Valerie P. Hans
Strategic Rulemaking Disclosure, Jennifer Nou and Edward H. Stiglitz
The Common Law of War, Jens D. Ohlin
The Changing Market for Criminal Law Casebooks, Jens David Ohlin
The Combatant's Stance: Autonomous Weapons on the Battlefield, Jens David Ohlin
Article Ensuring that Homeownership is Sustainable, David Reiss
Sloppy, Sloppy, Sloppy: the State of the Mortgage Market, David Reiss
Underwriting Sustainable Homeownership: the Federal Housing Administration and the Low Down Payment Loan, David Reiss
Executive Opportunism, Presidential Signing Statements, and the Separation of Powers, Daniel B. Rodriguez, Edward H. Stiglitz, and Barry R. Weingast
Is the Constitution Special?, Christopher Serkin and Nelson Tebbe
The Importance of 'The Gap', Emily Sherwin
How to Think About Religious Freedom in an Egalitarian Age, Nelson Tebbe
Full Federal Circuit Curbs On Sale Bar's Threat to Patents, Zong-Qiang Bill Tian and Matthew D'Amore
Submissions from 2015
Countersupermajoritarianism, Frederic M. Bloom and Nelson Tebbe
Energy in the Ecopolis, Sara C. Bronin
Library Director as Change Agent: Analysis Two, Implementing Change in Difficult Times, Femi Cadmus
Measuring the Chilling Effect, Brandice Canes-Wrone and Michael C. Dorf
A Fourth Way?: Bringing Politics Back into Recess Appointments (and the Rest of the Separation of Powers, Too), Josh Chafetz
Governing and Deciding Who Governs, Josh Chafetz
Pain and Suffering Damages in Wrongful Death Cases: An Empirical Study, Yun-chien Chang, Theodore Eisenberg, Han-Wei Ho, and Martin T. Wells
Governing Law on Forum-Selection Agreements, Kevin M. Clermont
Solving the Puzzle of Transnational Class Actions, Kevin M. Clermont
Transnational Class Actions in the Shadow of Preclusion, Zachary D. Clopton
Decoding "Never Again", Sherry F. Colb
Federal Circuit Addresses Damages in the Hatch-Waxman Context, Matthew D'Amore
Four Decades of Federal Civil Rights Litigation, Theodore Eisenberg
Addressing the Zeros Problem: Regression Models for Outcomes with a Large Proportion of Zeros, with an Application to Trial Outcomes, Theodore Eisenberg, Thomas Eisenberg, Martin T. Wells, and Min Zhang
Plaintiphobia in State Courts Redux? An Empirical Study of State Court Trials on Appeal, Theodore Eisenberg and Michael Heise
Damages versus Specific Performance: Lessons from Commercial Contracts, Theodore Eisenberg and Geoffrey P. Miller
The Problem with Words: Plain Language and Public Participation in Rulemaking, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, and Cheryl Blake
Channeling Unilateralism, Maggie Gardner
Law and Ethics of Experiments on Social Media Users, James Grimmelmann
The Virtues of Moderation, James Grimmelmann
The Death Penalty: Should the Judge or the Jury Decide Who Dies?, Valerie P. Hans, John H. Blume, Theodore Eisenberg, Amelia Courtney Hritz, Sheri L. Johnson, Caisa Elizabeth Royer, and Martin T. Wells
Education Rights and Wrongs: Publicly Funded Vouchers, State Constitutions, and Education Death Spirals, Michael Heise
Real Arrow-Securities for All: Just and Efficient Insurance Through Macro-Hedging, Robert C. Hockett
The Macroprudential Turn: From Institutional 'Safety and Soundness' to Systematic 'Financial Stability' in Financial Supervision, Robert C. Hockett
Recursive Collective Actions Problems: the Structure of Procyclicality in Financial and Monetary Markets, Macroeconomies and Formally Similar Contexts, Robert C. Hockett
Public Actors in Private Markets: Toward a Developmental Finance State, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
Promoting Clinical Legal Education and Democracy in India, Sital Kalantry
Sex-Selective Abortion Bans: Anti-Immigration or Anti-Abortion?, Sital Kalantry
When Nominal Is Reasonable: Damages for the Unpracticed Patent, Oskar Liivak
Introduction to Juries and Lay Participation: American Perspectives and Global Trends, Nancy S. Marder and Valerie P. Hans
The Doctrine of Legitimate Defense, Jens David Ohlin
Can Judges Make Reliable Numeric Judgments? Distorted Damages and Skewed Sentences, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Andrew J. Wistrich, and Chris Guthrie
Colonialism and Constitutional Memory, Aziz Rana
Constitutionalism and the Foundations of the Security State, Aziz Rana
From Comparison to Collaboration: Experiments with a New Scholarly and Political Form, Annelise Riles
Rethinking Chutes: Incentives, Investment, and Innovation, Simone M. Sepe and Charles K. Whitehead
"Too Many Notes"? An Empirical Study of Advocacy in Federal Appeals, Gregory C. Sisk and Michael Heise
The Corporation as a Time Machine: Intergenerational Equity, Intergenerational Efficiency, and the Corporate Form, Lynn A. Stout
Religion and Marriage Equality Statutes, Nelson Tebbe
Religion and Social Coherentism, Nelson Tebbe
Fixing Failure to Warn, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson Jr.
Size Matters: Commercial Banks and the Capital Markets, Charles K. Whitehead
Submissions from 2014
Intergenerational Communities, Gregory S. Alexander
Property's Ends: The Publicness of Private Law Values, Gregory S. Alexander
Why Motives Matter: Reframing the Crowding out Effect of Legal Incentives, Emad H. Atiq
The Limits of Private Ordering within Modern Financial Markets, Dan Awrey
A Tale of Two (and Possibly Three) Atkins: Intellectual Disability and Capital Punishment Twelve Years after The Supreme Court's Creation of a Categorical Bar, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, Paul Marcus, and Emily C. Paavola
REMIC Tax Enforcement as Financial-Market Regulator, Bradley T. Borden and David Reiss
Learning by Doing: Adding a Clinical Component to a Traditional Family Law Course, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Five Steps to Successfully Developing a Law Practice Technology Course, Femi Cadmus
The Future of Fannie and Freddie, Mark Calabria, David Reiss, Lawrence White, and Mark Willis
Replacing Myths with Facts: Sex-Selective Abortion Laws in the United States, Brian Citro, Jeff Gilson, Sital Kalantry, Kelsey Stricker, University of Chicago Law School. International Human Rights Clinic, National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (U.S.), and Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (Organization)
Kiobel and the Law of Nations, Zachary D. Clopton
Replacing the Presumption against Extraterritoriality, Zachary D. Clopton
Extraterritoriality and Comparative Institutional Analysis: A Response to Professor Meyer, Zachary D. Clopton and P. Bartholomew Quintans
Fast-Food Workers Fight for a Raise and Create a Movement, Angela B. Cornell
Strange Bedfellows: How an Anticipatory Countermovement Brought Same-Sex Marriage into the Public Arena, Michael C. Dorf and Sidney Tarrow
The Value of Words: Narrative as Evidence in Policymaking, Dmitry Epstein, Josiah Heidt, and Cynthia R. Farina
Designing an Online Civic Engagement Platform: Balancing "More" vs. "Better" Participation in Complex Public Policymaking, Cynthia R. Farina, Dmitry Epstein, Josiah Heidt, and Mary J. Newhart
Democratic Deliberation in the Wild: The McGill Online Design Studio and the RegulationRoom Project, Cynthia R. Farina, Hoi Kong, Cheryl Blake, Mary J. Newhart, and Nik Luka
Exactions Creep, Lee Anne Fennell and Eduardo M. Peñalver
Authority, Ignorance, and the Guilty Mind, Stephen P. Garvey
Anarchy, Status Updates, and Utopia, James Grimmelmann
Speech Engines, James Grimmelmann
The Merchants of MOOCs, James Grimmelmann
Changing the Wind: Notes Toward a Demosprudence of Law and Social Movements, Lani Guinier and Gerald Torres
Reflections on the Korean Jury Trial, Valerie P. Hans
What's it Worth? Jury Damage Awards as Community Judgments, Valerie P. Hans
Deliberative Democracy and the American Civil Jury, Valerie P. Hans, John Gastil, and Traci Feller
The Future of Fault in Contract Law, Robert A. Hillman
Materializing Citizenship: Finance in a Producers' Republic, Robert C. Hockett
Preliberal Autonomy and Postliberal Finance, Robert C. Hockett
“Private” Means to “Public” Ends: Governments as Market Actors, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
Legitimacy and Impartiality in a Sovereign Debt Workout Mechanism, Odette Lienau
Rethinking Sovereign Debt: Politics, Reputation, and Legitimacy in Modern Finance, Odette Lienau
Lawyers and Fools: Lawyer-Directors in Public Corporations, Lubomir P. Litov, Simone M. Sepe, and Charles K. Whitehead
Philosophy of Law: Reply to Critics, Andrei Marmor
Sex-selective Abortion Bans are Not Associated with Changes in Sex Ratios at Birth among Asian Populations in Illinois and Pennsylvania, Arindam Nandi, Sital Kalantry, and Brian Citro
Legal Education in an Era of Globalisation and the Challenge of Development, Muna Ndulo
Searching for the Hinterman: In Praise of Subjective Theories of Imputation, Jens David Ohlin
An Overview of the Fannie and Freddie Conservatorship Litigation, David Reiss
Response: Who Should Be Providing Mortgage Credit to American Households?, David Reiss
Victim Gender and the Death Penalty, Caisa Elizabeth Royer, Amelia Courtney Hritz, Valerie P. Hans, Theodore Eisenberg, Martin T. Wells, John H. Blume, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Meeting the Challenges of Instructing International Law Graduate Students in Legal Research, Nina E. Scholtz and Femi Cadmus
Unaccountable Midnight Rulemaking? A Normatively Informative Assessment, Edward H. Stiglitz
Unitary Innovations and Political Accountability, Edward H. Stiglitz
Killing Conscience: The Unintended Behavioral Consequences of "Pay for Performance", Lynn A. Stout
Associations and the Constitution: Four Questions About Four Freedoms, Nelson Tebbe
The End of Religious Freedom: What is at Stake?, Nelson Tebbe
American Blood: Who is Counting and for What?, Gerald Torres
The Public Trust: The Law's DNA, Gerald Torres and Nathan Bellinger
Religious Exceptionalism and Human Rights, Laura S. Underkuffler
Submissions from 2013
Ownership and Obligations: The Human Flourishing Theory of Property, Gregory S. Alexander
How Folk Beliefs about Free Will Influence Sentencing: A New Target for the Neuro-Determinist Critics of Criminal Law, Emad H. Atiq
Between Law and Markets: Is There a Role for Culture and Ethics in Financial Regulation?, Dan Awrey, William Blair, and David Kershaw
A Randomized Experiment Assessing the Accuracy of Microsoft's "Bing It On" Challenge, Ian Ayres, Emad H. Atiq, Sheng Li, Michelle Lu, Tom Maher, and Christine Tsang
Dirt Lawyers and Dirty REMICs, Bradley T. Borden and David J. Reiss
Goliath versus Goliath in High-stakes MBS Litigation, Bradley T. Borden and David J. Reiss
Show Me the Note!, Bradley T. Borden, David J. Reiss, and W. KeAupuni Akina
Sexism, Sexual Violence, Sexuality, and the Schooling of Girls in Africa: A Case Study from Lusaka Province, Zambia, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Elizabeth Brundige
Bargaining in the Shadow of the Debt Ceiling: When Negotiating over Spending and Tax Laws, Congress and the President Should Consider the Debt Ceiling a Dead Letter, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
A Temporary and Fond Farewell to the Edwin Dawson Rare Book Room, Femi Cadmus
The Phenomenology of Gridlock, Josh Chafetz
Whose Secrets?, Josh Chafetz
Death of Paradox: The Killer Logic Beneath the Standards of Proof, Kevin M. Clermont
Extraterritoriality and Extranationality: A Comparative Study, Zachary D. Clopton
The Meaning of the Seventeenth Amendment and a Century of State Defiance, Zachary D. Clopton and Steven E. Art
When Courts Determine Fees in a System with a Loser Pays Norm: Fee Award Denials to Winning Plaintiffs and Defendants, Theodore Eisenberg, Talia Fisher, and Issi Rosen-Zvi
Litigation as a Measure of Well-Being, Theodore Eisenberg, Sital Kalantry, and Nick Robinson
Rulemaking 2.0: Understanding and Getting Better Public Participation, Cynthia R. Farina and Mary J. Newhart
Balancing Inclusion and “Enlightened Understanding” in Designing Online Civic Participation Systems: Experiences from Regulation Room, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, Josiah Heidt, and Jackeline Solivan
The Impact of Medical Liability Standards on Regional Variations in Physician Behavior: Evidence from the Adoption of National-Standard Rules, Michael Frakes
Was Ellen Wronged?, Stephen P. Garvey
Future Conduct and the Limits of Class-Action Settlements, James Grimmelmann
The Illegal Process: Basic Problems in the Making and Application of Censorship, James Grimmelmann
Jury Jokes and Legal Culture, Valerie P. Hans
A Tale of Two Cities: From Davids Holdings to Metcash, George A. Hay and E. Jane Murdoch
Free Exercise of Religion before the Bench: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Courts, Michael Heise and Gregory C. Sisk
Why 'Nonexistent People' Do Not Have Zero Well-Being but No Well-Being at All, Ori J. Herstein
Accidental Suicide Pacts and Creditor Collective Action Problems: The Mortgage Mess, the Deadweight Loss, and How to Get the Value Back, Robert C. Hockett
Bretton Woods 1.0: A Constructive Retrieval for Sustainable Finance, Robert C. Hockett
Domestic Bank Regulation in a Global Environment - A Comparative Dialogue, Robert C. Hockett
Paying Paul and Robbing No One: An Eminent Domain Solution for Underwater Mortgage Debt, Robert C. Hockett
A Federalist Blessing in Disguise: From National Inaction to Local Action on Underwater Mortgages, Robert C. Hockett and John Vlahoplus
Sex Selection in the United States and India: A Contextualist Feminist Approach, Sital Kalantry
Establishing an Island of Patent Sanity, Oskar Liivak
The Right Not to Use in Property and Patent Law, Oskar Liivak and Eduardo M. Peñalver
Meaning and Belief in Constitutional Interpretation, Andrei Marmor
Is Jus in Bello in Crisis?, Jens David Ohlin
Targeting and the Concept of Intent, Jens David Ohlin
The Duty to Capture, Jens David Ohlin
The One or the Many, Jens David Ohlin
Assessing the Control-Theory, Jens David Ohlin, Elies Van Sliedregt, and Thomas Weigend
Beyond Finance: Permissible Commercial Activities of U.S. Financial Holding Companies, Saule T. Omarova
The Merchants of Wall Street: Banking, Commerce, and Commodities, Saule T. Omarova
Contrition in the Courtroom: Do Apologies Affect Adjudication?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Chris Guthrie, and Andrew J. Wistrich
Altering Attention in Adjudication, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Andrew J. Wistrich, and Chris Guthrie
Is New Governance the Ideal Architecture for Global Financial Regulation?, Annelise Riles
Managing Regulatory Arbitrage: An Alternative to Harmonization, Annelise Riles
Market Collaboration: Finance, Culture, and Ethnography after Neoliberalism, Annelise Riles
Duty in the Litigation-Investment Agreement: The Choice between Tort and Contract Norms when the Deal Breaks Down, Anthony J. Sebok and W. Bradley Wendel
The ABA Guidelines and the Norms of Capital Defense Representation, Russell Stetler and W. Bradley Wendel
On the Rise of Shareholder Primacy, Signs of Its Fall, and the Return of Managerialism (in the Closet), Lynn A. Stout
The Shareholder Value Myth, Lynn A. Stout
Government Nonendorsement, Nelson Tebbe
Law and the Creation of Meaning: A Brief Reflection on the Work of Jane Larson, Gerald Torres
Debt, Deflation, and Debacle: Of Private Debt Write-Down and Public Recovery, Richard W. Vague and Robert C. Hockett
In Search of Core Values, W. Bradley Wendel
Community-Scale Renewable Energy, Hannah J. Wiseman and Sara C. Bronin
How Lawyers' Intuitions Prolong Litigation, Andrew J. Wistrich and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Submissions from 2012
Not Your Parents' Law Library: A Tale of Two Academic Law Libraries, Julian Aiken, Femi Cadmus, and Fred Shapiro
Governance Property, Gregory S. Alexander
Complexity, Innovation, and the Regulation of Modern Financial Markets, Dan Awrey
The Limits of International Law: Efforts to Enforce Rulings of the International Court of Justice in U.S. Death Penalty Cases, Sandra L. Babcock
Pax Arabica?: Provisional Sovereignty and Intervention in the Arab Uprisings, Asli Bâli and Aziz Rana
Plea Bargaining and the Right to the Effective Assistance of Counsel: Where the Rubber Hits the Road in Capital Cases, John H. Blume
Convicting Lennie: Mental Retardation, Wrongful Convictions, and the Right to a Fair Trial, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Susan E. Millor
The Legal Relationship Between Cohabitants and Their Partners' Children, Cynthia Grant Bowman
The New Illegitimacy: Children of Cohabiting Couples and Stepchildren, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Law, Environment, and the “Nondismal” Social Sciences, William Boyd, Douglas Kysar, and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Building-Related Renewable Energy and the Case of 360 State Street, Sara C. Bronin
How to Choose the Least Unconstitutional Option: Lessons for the President (and Others) from the Debt Ceiling Standoff, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Nullifying the Debt Ceiling Threat Once and for All: Why the President Should Embrace the Least Unconstitutional Option, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Happiness at Work: Rules for Employee Satisfaction and Engagement, Femi Cadmus
Congress's Constitution, Josh Chafetz
Foreign Affairs Federalism and the Limits of Executive Power, Zachary D. Clopton
Spandrel or Frankenstein's Monster? The Vices and Virtues of Retrofitting in American Law, Michael C. Dorf
“Early-Bird Special” Indeed!: Why the Tax Anti-Injunction Act Permits the Present Challenges to the Minimum Coverage Provision, Michael C. Dorf and Neil S. Siegel
Actual Versus Perceived Performance of Judges, Theodore Eisenberg, Talia Fisher, and Issi Rosen-Zvi
Does the Judge Matter? Exploiting Random Assignment on a Court of Last Resort to Assess Judge and Case Selection Effects, Theodore Eisenberg, Talia Fisher, and Issi Rosen-Zvi
Defensive Medicine and Obstetric Practices, Michael Frakes
Special Feature: The Future of Lay Adjudication in Korea and Japan, Hiroshi Fukurai and Valerie P. Hans
Reinventing Homeownership: A Compendium of Concepts to Consider, Denise Gabel and David J. Reiss
Piracy Prosecutions in National Courts, Maggie Gardner
Sealand, HavenCo, and the Rule of Law, James Grimmelmann
Three Theories of Copyright in Ratings, James Grimmelmann
The Diverging Approach to Price Squeezes in the United States and Europe, George A. Hay and Kathryn McMahon
Law and Policy Entrepreneurs: Empirical Evidence on the Expansion of School Choice Policy, Michael Heise
Religion, School, and Judicial Decision Making: An Empirical Perspective, Michael Heise and Gregory C. Sisk
Defending the Right To Do Wrong, Ori J. Herstein
It Takes a Village: Municipal Condemnation Proceedings and Public/Private Partnerships for Mortgage Loan Modification, Value Preservation, and Local Economic Recovery, Robert C. Hockett
The Delaware Death Penalty: An Empirical Study, Sheri Johnson, John H. Blume, Theodore Eisenberg, Valerie P. Hans, and Martin T. Wells
"They Saw a Protest": Cognitive Illiberalism and the Speech-Conduct Distinction, Dan M. Kahan, David A. Hoffman, Donald Braman, Danieli Evans, and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Women in Robes, Sital Kalantry
Promoting Clinical Legal Education in India: A Case Study of the Citizen Participation Clinic, Sital Kalantry, Elizabeth Brundige, Priya S. Gupta, Cornell Law School. International Human Rights Clinic, and Jindal Global Law School. Good Rural Governance and Citizen Participation Clinic
From Multiculturalism to Technique: Feminism, Culture, and the Conflict of Laws Style, Karen Knop, Ralf Michaels, and Annelise Riles
Finding Invention, Oskar Liivak
Maturing Patent Theory from Industrial Policy to Intellectual Property, Oskar Liivak
Rescuing the Invention from the Cult of the Claim, Oskar Liivak
Second-Order Linking Principles: Combining Vertical and Horizontal Modes of Liability, Jens David Ohlin
Bankers, Bureaucrats, and Guardians: Toward Tripartism in Financial Services Regulation, Saule T. Omarova
License to Deal: Mandatory Approval of Complex Financial Products, Saule T. Omarova
That Which We Call a Bank: Revisiting the History of Bank Holding Company Regulations in the United States, Saule T. Omarova and Tahyar E. Margaret
Judicial Takings or Due Process, Eduardo M. Peñalver and Lior Jacob Strahilevitz
Freedom Struggles and the Limits of Constitutional Continuity, Aziz Rana
Who Decides on Security?, Aziz Rana
The Union As Broker of Employment Rights, Stewart J. Schwab
Why In re Omegas Group Was Right: An Essay on the Legal Status of Equitable Rights, Emily Sherwin
Ideology "All the Way Down"? An Empirical Study of Establishment Clause Decisions in the Federal Courts, Gregory C. Sisk and Michael Heise
Muslims and Religious Liberty in the Era of 9/11: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Courts, Gregory C. Sisk and Michael Heise
New Thinking on "Shareholder Primacy", Lynn A. Stout
Uncertainty, Dangerous Optimism, and Speculation: An Inquiry Into Some Limits of Democratic Governance, Lynn A. Stout
Liquid Assets: Groundwater in Texas, Gerald Torres
The Constitutional Imaginary: Just Stories about We the People, Gerald Torres and Lani Guinier
Legal Ethics is about the Law, Not Morality or Justice: A Reply to Critics, W. Bradley Wendel
The Goldilocks Approach: Financial Risk and Staged Regulation, Charles K. Whitehead
Submissions from 2011
Pluralism and Property, Gregory S. Alexander
The Way Forward: Moving From the Post-Bubble, Post-Bust Economy to Renewed Growth and Competitiveness, Daniel Alpert, Robert C. Hockett, and Nouriel Roubini
Regulating Financial Innovation: A More Principles-Based Proposal?, Dan Awrey
The Limits of EU Hedge Fund Regulation, Dan Awrey
Unwell: Indiana v. Edwards and the Fate of Mentally Ill Pro Se Defendants, John H. Blume and Morgan J. Clark
In Defense of Noncapital Habeas: A Response to Hoffmann and King, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Keir M. Weyble
Life, Death, and Neuroimaging: The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Defense's Use of Neuroimages in Capital Cases - Lessons from the Front, John H. Blume and Emily C. Paavola
Things in Common: Challenges of the 19th and 21st Century Librarians, Femi Cadmus
Who Let the Dog Out? Implementing a Successful Therapy Dog Program in an Academic Law Library, Femi Cadmus and Julian Aiken
Multiplicity in Federalism and the Separation of Powers, Josh Chafetz
The Political Animal and the Ethics of Constitutional Commitment, Josh Chafetz
The Unconstitutionality of the Filibuster, Josh Chafetz
Class Certification’s Preclusive Effects, Kevin M. Clermont
Sequencing the Issues for Judicial Decisionmaking: Limitations from Jurisdictional Primacy and Intrasuit Preclusion, Kevin M. Clermont
The Repressible Myth of Shady Grove, Kevin M. Clermont
Bowman Lives: The Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Criminal Law after Morrison v. National Australia Bank, Zachary D. Clopton
Representation through Participation: A Multilevel Analysis of Jury Deliberations, Erin York Cornwell and Valerie P. Hans
Same-Sex Marriage, Second-Class Citizenship, and Law's Social Meanings, Michael C. Dorf
The Marginality of Citizens United, Michael C. Dorf
The Origins, Nature, and Promise of Empirical Legal Studies and a Response to Concerns, Theodore Eisenberg
Israel's Supreme Court Appellate Jurisdiction: An Empirical Study, Theodore Eisenberg, Talia Fisher, and Issi Rosen-Zvi
Judge-Jury Difference in Punitive Damages Awards: Who Listens to the Supreme Court?, Theodore Eisenberg and Michael Heise
Rulemaking in 140 Characters or Less: Social Networking and Public Participation in Rulemaking, Cynthia R. Farina, Paul Miller, Mary J. Newhart, Claire Cardie, Dan Cosley, and Rebecca Vernon
Rulemaking 2.0, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, Claire Cardie, Dan Cosley, and Cornell eRulemaking Initiative
Reconsidering Trials in Absentia at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon: An Application of the Tribunal's Early Jurisprudence, Maggie Gardner
First-Class Objects, James Grimmelmann
The Elephantine Google Books Settlement, James Grimmelmann
The Predictability of Juries, Valerie P. Hans and Theodore Eisenberg
The French Jury at a Crossroads, Valerie P. Hans and Claire M. Germain
To Dollars from Sense: Qualitative to Quantitative Translation in Jury Damage Awards, Valerie P. Hans and Valerie F. Reyna
An Empirical Analysis of Empirical Legal Scholarship Production, 1990-2009, Michael R. Heise
A Normative Theory of the Clean Hands Defense, Ori J. Herstein
Defending Disclosure in Software Licensing, Robert A. Hillman and Maureen O'Rourke
Bubbles, Busts, and Blame, Robert C. Hockett
Racial Epithets in the Criminal Process, Sheri Lynn Johnson, John H. Blume, and Patrick M. Wilson
Combating Acid Violence in Bangladesh, India, and Cambodia, Sital Kalantry and Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum
Extending the European Debt Discussion to Broader International Governance, Odette Lienau
Russia & Legal Harmonization: An Historical Inquiry into IP Reform as Global Convergence and Resistance, Boris N. Mamlyuk
Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law, Peter W. Martin
Coming off the Bench: Legal and Policy Implications of Proposals to Allow Retired Justices to Sit by Designation on the Supreme Court, Lisa T. McElroy and Michael C. Dorf
African Customary Law, Customs, and Women's Rights, Muna Ndulo
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Security and Reconstruction, Muna Ndulo
Joint Intentions to Commit International Crimes, Jens David Ohlin
Nash Equilibrium and International Law, Jens David Ohlin
From Gramm-Leach-Bliley to Dodd-Frank: The Unfulfilled Promise of Section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act, Saule T. Omarova
The Dodd-Frank Act: A New Deal for a New Age?, Saule T. Omarova
Wall Street as Community of Fate: Toward Financial Industry Self-Regulation, Saule T. Omarova
Property's Memories, Eduardo M. Peñalver
An Evolving Foreclosure Landscape: The Ibanez Case and Beyond, Peter Pitegoff and Laura S. Underkuffler
The Psychological Foundations of Behavioral Law and Economics, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Responses to the Ten Questions, Aziz Rana
Settlers and Immigrants in the Formation of American Law, Aziz Rana
The Two Faces of American Freedom: A Reply, Aziz Rana
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Implications for Credit Unions, David J. Reiss
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Future of Federal Housing Finance Policy: A Study of Regulatory Privilege, David J. Reiss
Interpreting Tort Law, Emily Sherwin
Derivatives and the Legal Origin of the 2008 Credit Crisis, Lynn A. Stout
Risk, Speculation, and OTC Derivatives: An Inaugural Essay for Convivium, Lynn A. Stout
Nonbelievers, Nelson Tebbe
Smith in Theory and Practice, Nelson Tebbe
Convergences and Divergences in International Legal Norms on Migrant Labor, Chantal Thomas
Law and Neoclassical Economic Development in Theory and Practice: Toward an Institutionalist Critique of Institutionalism, Chantal Thomas
Synecdoche, Gerald Torres
Notes on Borrowing and Convergence, Robert L. Tsai and Nelson Tebbe
Odious Discrimination and the Religious Exemption Question, Laura S. Underkuffler
Should Law Schools Teach Professional Duties, Professional Virtues, or Something Else? A Critique of the Carnegie Report on Educating Lawyers, W. Bradley Wendel
Explanation in Legal Scholarship: The Inferential Structure of Doctrinal Analysis, W. Bradley Wendel
Lawyering in the Christian Colony: Some Hauerwasian Themes, Reflections, and Questions, W. Bradley Wendel
Three Concepts of Roles, W. Bradley Wendel
Destructive Coordination, Charles K. Whitehead
Sandbagging: Default Rules and Acquisition Agreements, Charles K. Whitehead
The Volcker Rule and Evolving Financial Markets, Charles K. Whitehead
Why Not a CEO Term Limit?, Charles K. Whitehead
Submissions from 2010
The FSA, Integrated Regulation, and the Curious Case of OTC Derivatives, Dan Awrey
American Overreach: Strategic Interests and Millennial Ambitions in the Middle East, Asli Bâli and Aziz Rana
The Dance of Death or (Almost) "No One Here Gets out Alive": The Fourth Circuit's Capital Punishment Jurisprudence, John H. Blume
When Lightning Strikes Back: South Carolina's Return to the Unconstitutional Standardless Capital Sentencing Regime of the Pre-Furman Era, John H. Blume, Sheri Johnson, Emily C. Paavola, and Keir M. Weyble
A Reintroduction: Survival Skills for Post-Conviction Practice in South Carolina, John H. Blume and Emily C. Paavola
Is It Admissible?: Tips for Criminal Defense Attorneys on Assessing the Admissibility of a Criminal Defendant's Statements, Part One, John H. Blume and Emily C. Paavola
Is It Admissible?: Tips for Criminal Defense Attorneys on Assessing the Admissibility of a Criminal Defendant's Statements, Part Two, John H. Blume and Emily C. Paavola
The New Family: Challenges to American Family Law, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Curbing Energy Sprawl with Microgrids, Sara C. Bronin
Solar Rights for Texas Property Owners, Sara C. Bronin
Bobbleheads in Yale's Rare Book Collection!, Femi Cadmus
The Recession Mounts the Ivory Tower: How the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale has Met the Challenges Posed by a Declining Economy, Femi Cadmus and Blair Kaufmann
Leveraging a Library Collection through Collaborative Digitization Ventures, Femi Cadmus and Fred Shapiro
Impeachment and Assassination, Josh Chafetz
Is the Filibuster Constitutional?, Josh Chafetz and Michael J. Gerhardt
Punitive Damages in Securities Arbitration: An Empirical Study, Stephen Choi and Theodore Eisenberg
Three Myths About Twombly-Iqbal, Kevin M. Clermont
Inventing Tests, Destabilizing Systems, Kevin M. Clermont and Stephen C. Yeazell
Probabilities in Probable Cause and Beyond: Statistical Versus Concrete Harms, Sherry F. Colb
Japan's New Lay Judge System: Deliberative Democracy in Action?, Zachary Corey and Valerie P. Hans
Federal Governmental Power: The Voting Rights Act, Michael C. Dorf
Iqbal and Bad Apples, Michael C. Dorf
Majoritarian Difficulty and Theories of Constitutional Decision Making, Michael C. Dorf
Toward Internationally Regulated Goods: Controlling the Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons, Asif Efrat
The Need for a National Civil Justice Survey of Incidence and Claiming Behavior, Theodore Eisenberg
The Decision to Award Punitive Damages: An Empirical Study, Theodore Eisenberg, Michael Heise, Nicole L. Waters, and Martin T. Wells
Variability in Punitive Damages: Empirically Assessing Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker, Theodore Eisenberg, Michael Heise, and Martin T. Wells
Attorney Fees and Expenses in Class Action Settlements: 1993–2008, Theodore Eisenberg and Geoffrey P. Miller
Achieving the Potential: The Future of Federal E-Rulemaking, Report of the Committee on the Status and Future of Federal e-Rulemaking, Cynthia R. Farina
Deconstructing Nondelegation, Cynthia R. Farina
False Comfort and Impossible Promises: Uncertainty, Information Overload, and the Unitary Executive, Cynthia R. Farina
Attracting the Best and the Brightest: A Critique of the Current U.S. Immigration System, Chris Gafner and Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
Beyond the Expected: Creating and Sustaining Relationships for Your Institutions, Claire M. Germain
Beyond the Expected: Creating and Sustaining Relationships for Your Institutions, Claire M. Germain