Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2012


Shadow banking, Predatory lending, Qualified Residential Mortgage, Dodd-Frank, United States. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


Banking and Finance Law | Consumer Protection Law


Consumer protection remains the stepchild of financial regulation. Notwithstanding the fact that the economic doldrums we find ourselves in originated in the under-regulated subprime mortgage sector, relatively few academic commentators focus on the role that consumer protection can play in reducing such risks as well as in restoring the balance between consumer and producer in the financial markets. This essay suggests that consumer protection regulation has an important role to play in the regulatory structure of the shadow banking sector.

This essay does four things. First, it describes the role of shadow banking in the residential mortgage market—the shadow mortgage banking sector, as it were. Second, it contrasts two mortgages. One is emblematic of shadow mortgage banking during the Subprime Boom. The other is Dodd-Frank’s response to the excesses of the Subprime Boom—the “Qualified Mortgage.” It then evaluates whether “Qualified Mortgages” can restrain some of shadow mortgage banking’s excesses, and finds that they may be able to do so. It concludes by reviewing the first steps taken by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as it begins implementing Dodd-Frank’s mortgage-related provisions.


This article predates the author's affiliation with Cornell Law School.
