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This quarter's column offers coverage of multiple sessions from the 2016 American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, held January 8–12, in Boston, Massachusetts. The sessions detailed herein are two from the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC): Program Training and PCC-At-Large; three from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Continuing Resources Section (CRS): the Cataloging Forum, Standards Forum, and Holdings Information Forum; the ALCTS/Library Information Technology Association (LITA) Electronics Resources Management Interest Group; and the ALCTS Role of the Professional in Technical Services Interest Group.
Recommended Citation
Bross, Valerie and Magagnosc, Jacqueline, "Serials Spoken Here: Reports of Conferences, Institutes, and Seminars" (2016). Cornell Law Librarians' Publications. 10.
Published in: Serials Review, vol. 42, issue 2 (2016).