Submissions from 2023
Critical Collections: Bringing A Critical Eye to Law Library Collection Development, Nicholas Norton
Submissions from 2022
Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Migration [book review], Nicholas Norton
Submissions from 2016
Serials Spoken Here: Reports of Conferences, Institutes, and Seminars, Valerie Bross and Jacqueline Magagnosc
Due Diligence: Company Information for Law Students, Matthew M. Morrison
Submissions from 2015
Library Director as Change Agent: Analysis Two, Implementing Change in Difficult Times, Femi Cadmus
Submissions from 2014
Five Steps to Successfully Developing a Law Practice Technology Course, Femi Cadmus
Serials Spoken Here: Reports of Conferences, Institutes, and Seminars, Jacqueline Magagnosc
Acquiring Metadata for Your Library Resources: What to Look (and Look Out) For, Eric Parker and Jacqueline Magagnosc
Meeting the Challenges of Instructing International Law Graduate Students in Legal Research, Nina E. Scholtz and Femi Cadmus
Submissions from 2013
A Temporary and Fond Farewell to the Edwin Dawson Rare Book Room, Femi Cadmus
A Pilot Using OverDrive: E-lending in Academic Law Libraries, Nina E. Scholtz
Search Committees: The Most Important Part of Your Job ... Really!, Carissa J. Vogel
Submissions from 2012
Not Your Parents' Law Library: A Tale of Two Academic Law Libraries, Julian Aiken, Femi Cadmus, and Fred Shapiro
Happiness at Work: Rules for Employee Satisfaction and Engagement, Femi Cadmus
Submissions from 2011
Things in Common: Challenges of the 19th and 21st Century Librarians, Femi Cadmus
Who Let the Dog Out? Implementing a Successful Therapy Dog Program in an Academic Law Library, Femi Cadmus and Julian Aiken
The French Jury at a Crossroads, Valerie P. Hans and Claire M. Germain
Submissions from 2010
Bobbleheads in Yale's Rare Book Collection!, Femi Cadmus
The Recession Mounts the Ivory Tower: How the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale has Met the Challenges Posed by a Declining Economy, Femi Cadmus and Blair Kaufmann
Leveraging a Library Collection through Collaborative Digitization Ventures, Femi Cadmus and Fred Shapiro
Beyond the Expected: Creating and Sustaining Relationships for Your Institutions, Claire M. Germain
Digitizing the World's Laws, Claire M. Germain
Submissions from 2009
Making the Leap to Management: Tips for the Aspiring and New Manager, Femi Cadmus
The Law Librarian’s Tool for Fair Compensation in the Best - and Worst - of Times, Femi Cadmus and Loretta Orndoff
Not Just Key Numbers and Keywords Anymore: How User Interface Design Affects Legal Research, Julie M. Jones
Submissions from 2008
Where Web 2.0 and Legal Information Intersect: Adjusting Course without Getting Lost, Matthew M. Morrison
Submissions from 2007
U.S. Law and Legal Research, Pat Court
Legal Information Management in a Global and Digital Age: Revolution and Tradition, Claire M. Germain
Submissions from 2005
Rehabilitating Killer Serials: An Automated Strategy for Maintaining E-journal Metadata, David Banush, Martin Kurth, and Jean M. Pajerek
Submissions from 2004
Le projet GPO visant à conserver l'ensemble des données juridiques publiques américaines, Claire M. Germain
Submissions from 1999
Digital Legal Information: Ensuring Access to the "Official" Word of the Law, Claire M. Germain
Submissions from 1998
Contents of Legal Information on the Internet: U.S. Perspectives, Claire M. Germain
Submissions from 1988
Library Costs as a Percentage of Law School Budgets, Jane L. Hammond