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E-books are not just for popular reading; legal publishers are entering the e-book market as well. Major publishers are launching e-book platforms and offering law libraries the opportunity to purchase both individual titles and collections of electronic books that they also offer in print. With increasing signs of a strong future for e-books, and possibly for e-lending as well, in spring 2012 Cornell Law Library decided to pilot OverDrive for the Cornell Law School community. By embarking on a pilot of the OverDrive service, we could test the waters of e-lending in a cost-efficient way that would not be prohibitive in terms of staff time and library resources. As consumers become more accustomed to e-books in general and e-lending specifically, our law school users are likely to expect their materials to be available similarly—and legal academic publishers are already showing signs of responding. Cornell University Law Library’s e-lending pilot shows that the law school community is open to this new model of access and lending.
Recommended Citation
Scholtz, Nina E., "A Pilot Using OverDrive: E-lending in Academic Law Libraries" (2013). Cornell Law Librarians' Publications. 2.
Published in: AALL Spectrum, vol. 17, no. 6 (April 2013).