May 2021
Prefatory Matter
Editor's Note
O'Brien Kaaba
Case Commentaries
Enock Kahale & 3 Others v The People [2021] ZMCA 26
John Hatchard
The People v Attorney General & Energy Regulation Board [2020] HP 0575
Chipasha Mulenga and Kangwa-Musole George Chisanga
New Nation Movement NPC and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2020 (6) SA 257 (CC)
Dunia P. Zongwe
Baby ‘A’ and Another v Attorney General and Others [2014] eKLR
Samiselo Kayombo
Is the Constitutional Court Fanning the Flames of Potential Unrest? A Review of Recent Political Cases
O'Brien Kaaba, Felicity Kayumba Kalunga, and Pamela Towela Sambo