Submissions from 1992
State Ethics Rules and Federal Prosecutors: The Controversies over the Anti-Contact and Subpoena Rules, Roger C. Cramton and Lisa K. Udell
Inside the Quiet Revolution in Products Liability, Theodore Eisenberg and James A. Henderson Jr.
Death-Innocence and the Law of Habeas Corpus, Stephen P. Garvey
Jurors' Judgments of Business Liability in Tort Cases: Implications for the Litigation Explosion, Valerie P. Hans and William S. Lofquist
Market Power in Antitrust, George A. Hay
Observations: Sylvania in Retrospect, George A. Hay
Why the Recent Shift in Tort?, James A. Henderson Jr.
Why Vosburg Comes First, James A. Henderson Jr.
A Proposed Revision of Section 402A of the Restatement (Second) of Torts, James A. Henderson Jr. and Aaron Twerski
The Unworkability of Court-Made Enterprise Liability: A Reply to Geistfeld, James A. Henderson Jr. and Aaron Twerski
Tax Expenditure Budgets: A Critical View, Jeffrey S. Lehman and Douglas A. Kahn
Law School Support for Community-Based Economic Development in Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods, Jeffrey S. Lehman and Rochelle E. Lento
African Economic Community and the Promotion of Intra-African Trade, Muna Ndulo
Union Raids, Union Democracy, and the Market for Union Control, Stewart J. Schwab
A Comment on Cass Sunstein's Equality, Emily Sherwin
Why Is Corrective Justice Just?, Emily Sherwin
Fighting with Angry Women: A Response to Lasson, John A. Siliciano
Law Review Usage and Suggestions for Improvement: A Survey of Attorneys, Professors, and Judges, Max Stier, Kelly M. Klaus, Dan L. Bagatell, and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
The Legacy of Industrial Pluralism: The Tension Between Individual Employment Rights and the New Deal Collective Bargaining System, Katherine V.W. Stone
The Formal Character of Law, Robert S. Summers
The Argument from Ordinary Meaning in Statutory Interpretation, Robert S. Summers and Geoffrey Marshall
Individual Conscience and the Law, Laura S. Underkuffler
Scottsboro Boys in 1991: The Promise of Adequate Criminal Representation through the Years, Charles W. Wolfram
The U.S. Law of Client Confidentiality: Framework for an International Perspective, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1991
Time and Property in the American Republican Legal Culture, Gregory S. Alexander
A History of GATT Unfair Trade Remedy Law--Confusion of Purposes, John J. Barceló III
Understanding Teague v. Lane, John H. Blume and William Pratt
"We Don't Want Anybody Anybody Sent": The Death of Patronage Hiring in Chicago, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Citizen Comprehension of Difficult Issues: Lessons from Civil Jury Trials, Joe S. Cecil, Valerie P. Hans, and Elizabeth C. Wiggins
Why Law Teachers Should Teach Undergraduates, Kevin M. Clermont and Robert A. Hillman
Mandatory Pro Bono, Roger C. Cramton
The Lawyer as Whistleblower: Confidentiality and the Government Lawyer, Roger C. Cramton
The Relationship between Plaintiff Sucess Rates before Trial and at Trial, Theodore Eisenberg
The Effects of Intent: Do We Know How Legal Standards Work?, Theodore Eisenberg and Sheri Lynn Johnson
Conceiving Due Process, Cynthia R. Farina
Getting from Here to There, Cynthia R. Farina
Media Coverage of Law: Its Impact on Juries and the Public, Valerie P. Hans and Juliet Dee
The American Jury at Twenty-Five Years, Valerie P. Hans and Neil Vidmar
Judicial Reliance on Public Policy: An Empirical Analysis of Products Liability Decisions, James A. Henderson Jr.
The Quiet Revolution in Products Liability, James A. Henderson Jr. and Theodore Eisenberg
Closing the American Products Liability Frontier: The Rejection of Liability Without Defect, James A. Henderson Jr. and Aaron Twerski
Stargazing: The Future of American Products Liability Law, James A. Henderson Jr. and Aaron Twerski
Confessions, Criminals, and Community, Sheri Lynn Johnson
How New Information Technologies Will Change the Way Law Professors Do and Distribute Scholarship, Peter W. Martin
The Future of Law Librarians in Changing Institutions, or the Hazards and Opportunities of New Information Technology, Peter W. Martin
Bats and Owls and the Insane Moon: The Search for the Republic's Unwritten Constitution, E. F. Roberts
Social Science and the Courts: The Role of Amicus Curiae Briefs, Ronald G. Roesch, Stephen L. Golding, Valerie P. Hans, and N. Dickon Reppucci
Coase, Rents, and Opportunity Costs, Stewart J. Schwab
Law and Equity in Contract Enforcement, Emily Sherwin
Wealth, Equity, and the Unitary Medical Malpractice Standard, John A. Siliciano
Plotting the Next "Revolution" in Choice of Law: A Proposed Approach, Gary J. Simson
Maury Roberts: Man, Editor, Teacher, Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
Submissions from 1990
Talking About Difference: Meanings and Metaphors of Individuality, Gregory S. Alexander
The Changing Face of Retroactivity, John H. Blume and William Pratt
Democracy, Counterinsurgency, and Human Rights: The Case of Peru, Angela Cornell and Kenneth Roberts
On the Steadfastness and Courage of Government Lawyers, Roger C. Cramton
Testing the Selection Effect: A New Theoretical Framework with Empirical Tests, Theodore Eisenberg
Attitudes Toward Corporate Responsibility: A Psycholegal Perspective, Valerie P. Hans
Law and the Media: An Overview and Introduction, Valerie P. Hans
Predatory Pricing, George A. Hay
Process Norms in Products Litigation: Liability for Allergic Reactions, James A. Henderson Jr.
The Quiet Revolution in Products Liability: An Empirical Study of Legal Change, James A. Henderson Jr. and Theodore Eisenberg
Doctrinal Collapse in Products Liability: The Empty Shell of Failure to Warn, James A. Henderson Jr. and Aaron Twerski
Contract Excuse and Bankruptcy Discharge, Robert A. Hillman
Contract Modification and "Self-Help Specific Performance": A Reaction to Professor Narasimhan, Robert A. Hillman
Social Irresponsibility, Actuarial Assumptions, and Wealth Redistribution: Lessons about Public Policy from a Prepaid Tuition Program, Jeffrey S. Lehman
Real Property, E. F. Roberts
Taking the Court Seriously: A Proposed Approach to Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Nominees, Gary J. Simson
Are Takeover Premiums Really Premiums? Market Price, Fair Value, and Corporate Law, Lynn A. Stout
Levels of Generality in the Definition of Rights, Laurence H. Tribe and Michael C. Dorf
On Property: An Essay, Laura S. Underkuffler
Lawyer Turf and Lawyer Regulation -- The Role of the Inherent-Powers Doctrine, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1989
Dilemmas of Group Autonomy: Residential Associations and Community, Gregory S. Alexander
Bowen v. Massachusetts: The "Money Damages Exception" to the Administrative Procedure Act and Grant-in-Aid Litigation, Cynthia Grant Bowman
The Changing Legal Profession, Roger C. Cramton
The Lawyer’s Professional Independence: Memories, Aspirations, and Realities, Roger C. Cramton
Commentary on “On the Nature of Bankruptcy”: Bankruptcy and Bargaining, Theodore Eisenberg
Let's Re-Do Runyon: Questions to Guide Justice White; Response, Theodore Eisenberg
Litigation Models and Trial Outcomes in Civil Rights and Prisoner Cases, Theodore Eisenberg
What Shapes Perceptions of the Federal Court System?, Theodore Eisenberg and Stewart J. Schwab
How Separation of Powers Protects Individual Liberties, Cynthia R. Farina
Statutory Interpretation and the Balance of Power in the Administrative State, Cynthia R. Farina
Moving into Management from Within, Claire M. Germain
The Jury's Response to Business and Corporate Wrongdoing, Valerie P. Hans
Responses to Corporate Versus Individual Wrongdoing, Valerie P. Hans and M. David Ermann
Constructive Trusts in Bankruptcy, Emily Sherwin
"Discrimination" on the Basis of Religion: An Examination of Attempted Value Neutrality in Employment, Laura S. Underkuffler
Legal Pragmatism in the People's Republic of China, Xingzhong Yu
Submissions from 1988
Freedom, Coercion, and the Law of Servitudes, Gregory S. Alexander
Takings, Narratives, and Power, Gregory S. Alexander
The Direction of Antitrust in the Decade Ahead: Some Predictions—Panel Discussion, Donald I. Baker, Thomas E. Kauper, William F. Baxter, Gordon B. Spivack, James T. Halverson, Robert Pitofsky, George A. Hay, and Alan H. Silberman
Legal Implications of Epilepsy, H. Richard Beresford
Sentencing the Mentally Retarded to Death: An Eighth Amendment Analysis, John H. Blume and David Bruck
The Next Century: The Challenge, Roger C. Cramton
The Importance of Section 1981, Theodore Eisenberg and Stewart J. Schwab
Library Costs as a Percentage of Law School Budgets, Jane L. Hammond
Single Firm Conduct, George A. Hay
Geographic Market Definition in an International Context, George A. Hay, John C. Hilke, and Philip B. Nelson
The Crisis in Modern Contract Theory, Robert A. Hillman
Excerpt from The Next Century: The Challenge -- A Panel Discussion, Sheri Lynn Johnson
Justice Kelleher and the Constitutions, Robert B. Kent
Looking Forward from the First 100 Years, Peter W. Martin
Reregulation, the Global Environment, and Ignorance Equals Pessimism: A Tory Perspective, E. F. Roberts
A Coasean Experiment on Contract Presumptions, Stewart J. Schwab
Explaining Constitutional Tort Litigation: The Influence of the Attorney Fees Statute and the Government as Defendant, Stewart J. Schwab and Theodore Eisenberg
Creditors' Rights against Participants in a Leveraged Buyout, Emily Sherwin
Negligent Accounting and the Limits of Instrumental Tort Reform, John A. Siliciano
Submissions from 1987
The Transformation of Trusts as a Legal Category, 1800-1914, Gregory S. Alexander
Procedure's Magical Number Three: Psychological Bases for Standards of Decision, Kevin M. Clermont
Beyond the Ordinary Religion, Roger C. Cramton
Demystifying Legal Scholarship, Roger C. Cramton
Bankruptcy in the Administrative State, Theodore Eisenberg
The Reality of Constitutional Tort Litigation, Theodore Eisenberg and Stewart J. Schwab
The Free Rider Rationale and Vertical Restraints Analysis Reconsidered, George A. Hay
Court Adjustment of Long-Term Contracts: An Analysis Under Modern Contract Law, Robert A. Hillman
Tribute to Professor Robert Liberman, Robert B. Kent
Employers as Junior Immigration Inspectors: The Impact of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, Maurice A. Roberts and Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
Collective Bargaining and the Coase Theorem, Stewart J. Schwab
Corporate Behavior and the Social Efficiency of Tort Law, John A. Siliciano
The Concept of a Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, Charles W. Wolfram
Foreign Farm Workers in the U.S.: The Impact of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
Submissions from 1986
History as Ideology in the Basic Property Course, Gregory S. Alexander
Symposium The International Legal Regime for Antarctica: Introduction, John J. Barceló III
Professional Education in Medicine and Law: Structural Differences, Common Failings, Possible Opportunities, Roger C. Cramton
"The Most Remarkable Institution": The American Law Review, Roger C. Cramton
An Overview of Health Law Research and an Annotated Bibliography, Richard A. Danner and Claire M. Germain
An Analysis of Public Attitudes Toward the Insanity Defense, Valerie P. Hans
The Conduct of Voir Dire: A Psychological Analysis, Valerie P. Hans
Agreements Changing the Forum for Resolving Malpractice Claims, James A. Henderson Jr.
South Dakota Airplane Tax Hangs by a Technical Thread, Jeffrey S. Lehman
Mining Legislation and Mineral Development in Zambia, Muna Ndulo
Judicial Notice: An Essay Concerning Human Misunderstanding, E. F. Roberts
Mining with Mr. Justice Holmes, E. F. Roberts
Is Statistical Discrimination Efficient?, Stewart J. Schwab
Summers's Primer on Fuller's Jurisprudence – A Wholly Disinterested Assessment of the Reviews by Professors Wueste and LeBel, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1985
The Dead Hand and the Law of Trusts in the Nineteenth Century, Gregory S. Alexander
Ethical Dilemmas Facing Today's Lawyer, Roger C. Cramton
Faculty-Edited Law Reviews: Yes -- A Statement by Roger C. Cramton, Roger C. Cramton
The Trouble with Lawyers (and Law Schools), Roger C. Cramton
The Undersecured Creditor in Reorganizations and the Nature of Security, Theodore Eisenberg
Foreign Experiences toward the Development of a National Legal Information Center, Claire M. Germain
The Jury's Political Role: "To See With Their Own Eyes", Valerie P. Hans
The Effects of Sex-Role Attitudes and Group Composition on Men and Women in Groups, Valerie P. Hans and Nancy Eisenberg
Anti-Trust and Economic Theory: Some Observations from the US Experience, George A. Hay
Vertical Restraints, George A. Hay
Vertical Restraints after Monsanto, George A. Hay
A Survey of Interdisciplinary Differences in Attitudes and Morale within a Psychiatric Hospital, Brian F. Hoffman and Valerie P. Hans
Black Innocence and the White Jury, Sheri Johnson
"Of Law and the River," and of Nihilism and Academic Freedom, Peter W. Martin
Legal Education in Zambia: Pedagogical Issues, Muna Ndulo
Modern Evidence and the Expert Witness, Faust Rossi
The Role of History in Constitutional Interpretation: A Case Study, Gary J. Simson
Some Considerations Which May Lead Lawmakers to Modify a Policy when Adopting it as Law, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1984
Evidentiary Problems In--and Solutions For--The Uniform Commercial Code, Ronald J. Allen and Robert A. Hillman
Severe Neurological Impairment: Legal Aspects of Decisions to Reduce Care, H. Richard Beresford
Deadly Force in Memphis: Tennessee v. Garner, John H. Blume
A Look at How the Accreditation Committee Works: Complex Issues Come before Committee, Jane L. Hammond
"Plain Crazy:" Lay Definitions of Legal Insanity, Valerie P. Hans and Dan Slater
Pigeonholes in Antitrust, George A. Hay
Cross-Racial Identification Errors in Criminal Cases, Sheri Johnson
Two Cheers for the ALI Restatement's Provisions on Foreign Discovery, Douglas E. Rosenthal and Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
Public Opinion of Forensic Psychiatry Following the Hinckley Verdict, Dan Slater and Valerie P. Hans
Fuller on Legal Education, Robert S. Summers
The Second Set of Players: Lawyers, Fee Shifting, and the Limits of Professional Discipline, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1983
Surveying Work Product, Kevin M. Clermont
Bankruptcy Law in Perspective: A Rejoinder, Theodore Eisenberg
Demonstration: Economic Analysis and Expert Testimony—Plaintiff's Conference, Eleanor M. Fox, Jay Topkis, George A. Hay, and Charles B. Renfrew
AALL Institute on International Law and Business, Claire M. Germain and George S. Grossman
John Hinckley, Jr. and the Insanity Defense: The Public's Verdict, Valerie P. Hans and Dan Slater
The FTC and Pricing: Of Predation and Signaling, George A. Hay
Product Liability and the Passage of Time: The Imprisonment of Corporate Rationality, James A. Henderson Jr.
Why Creative Judging Won't Save the Products Liability System, James A. Henderson Jr.
An Analysis of the Cessation of Contractual Relations, Robert A. Hillman
Race and the Decision to Detain a Suspect, Sheri Johnson
Property, E. F. Roberts
The Silent Revolution, Faust Rossi
Liberalism, Radicalism, and Legal Scholarship, Steven H. Shiffrin
The First Amendment and Economic Regulation: Away from a General Theory of the First Amendment, Steven H. Shiffrin
Cameras in the Courts: Can We Trust the Research?, Dan Slater and Valerie P. Hans
On Identifying and Reconstructing a General Legal Theory – Some Thoughts Prompted by Professor Moore’s Critique, Robert S. Summers
The Future of Economics in Legal Education: Limits and Constraints, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1982
The Concept of Property in Private and Constitutional Law: The Ideology of the Scientific Turn in Legal Analysis, Gregory S. Alexander
Warrantless Vehicle Searches and the Fourth Amendment: The Burger Court Attacks the Exclusionary Rule, Steven D. Clymer
Developments, Roger C. Cramton
Developments, Roger C. Cramton
Developments, Roger C. Cramton
The Current State of the Law Curriculum, Roger C. Cramton
The Education of Competent Lawyers: The American Experience, Roger C. Cramton
Why Legal Services for the Poor?, Roger C. Cramton
Section 1983: Doctrinal Foundations and an Empirical Study, Theodore Eisenberg
Current Research Sources in French Law, Claire M. Germain
Jury Selection in Two Countries: A Psychological Perspective, Valerie P. Hans
Oligopoly, Shared Monopoly, and Antitrust Law, George A. Hay
The Economics of Predatory Pricing, George A. Hay
Process Constraints in Tort, James A. Henderson Jr.
The Boundary Problems of Enterprise Liability, James A. Henderson Jr.
Contract Modification Under the Restatement (Second) of Contracts, Robert A. Hillman
Property, E. F. Roberts
Methodological Issues in the Evaluation of "Experiments" with Cameras in the Courts, Dan Slater and Valerie P. Hans
Reply to Mr Mackie, Robert S. Summers
The General Duty of Good Faith – Its Recognition and Conceptualization, Robert S. Summers
Working Conceptions of "The Law", Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1981
Smith v. Hussman Refrigerator Company: Fair Representation and the Erosion of Collective Values, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Predatory Pricing: Competing Economic Theories and the Evolution of Legal Standards, Joseph F. Brodley and George A. Hay
Restating Territorial Jurisdiction and Venue for State and Federal Courts, Kevin M. Clermont
Change and Continuity in Legal Education, Roger C. Cramton
Crisis in Legal Services for the Poor, Roger C. Cramton
Lawyer Competence and the Law Schools, Roger C. Cramton
Recent Changes in Legal Education, Roger C. Cramton
Bankruptcy Law in Perspective, Theodore Eisenberg
Coping with the Time Dimension in Products Liability, James A. Henderson Jr.
Should a "Process Defense" Be Recognized in Product Design Cases?, James A. Henderson Jr.
A Study of Uniform Commercial Code Methodology: Contract Modification Under Article Two, Robert A. Hillman
Debunking Some Myths About Unconscionability: A New Framework for U.C.C. Section 2-302, Robert A. Hillman
Property, E. F. Roberts
Civil Procedure: Commentary, Faust Rossi
Pragmatic Instrumentalism in Twentieth Century American Legal Thought—A Synthesis and Critique of Our Dominant General Theory about Law and Its Use, Robert S. Summers
‘Economists’ Reasons' for Common Law Decisions - A Preliminary Inquiry, Robert S. Summers and Leigh B. Kelley
Submissions from 1980
Subsidies, Countervailing Duties and Antidumping After the Tokyo Round, John J. Barceló III
Rising Expectations in Law Practice and Legal Education, Roger C. Cramton
The State of Trial Advocacy and Legal Education: Three New Studies, Roger C. Cramton and Erik M. Jensen
State Law in Federal Civil Rights Cases: The Proper Scope of Section 1988, Theodore Eisenberg
The Ordinary and the Extraordinary in Institutional Litigation, Theodore Eisenberg and Stephen C. Yeazell
European Community Law- A Selective Bibliography of Publications in English, French and German with Annotations, Claire M. Germain
The Librarian Fellowship Program at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Private Law in Hamburg, West Germany, Claire M. Germain
Extending the Boundaries of Strict Products Liability: Implications of the Theory of the Second Best, James A. Henderson Jr.
Contract Modification in Iowa-Recker v. Gustafson and the Resurrection of the Preexisting Duty Doctrine, Robert A. Hillman
The Art of Decoupling: Keeping Social Security's Promise Up-to-Date, Peter W. Martin
Property, E. F. Roberts
The New Frontier, E. F. Roberts
The Bubble Concept in Water Pollution Control, Emily Sherwin
Government Speech, Steven H. Shiffrin
Is There Life for Erie after the Death of Diversity?, Peter Westen and Jeffrey S. Lehman
Client Perjury: The Kutak Commission and the Association of Trial Lawyers on Lawyers, Lying Clients, and the Adversary System, Charles W. Wolfram
The Exhaustion of Local Remedies Rule and Forum Non Conveniens in International Litigation in U.S. Courts, Stephen W. Yale-Loehr
Submissions from 1979
The Concept of Function and the Basis of Regulatory Interests under Functional Choice-of-Law Theory: The Significance of Benefit and the Insignificance of Intention, Gregory S. Alexander
Alternative Models of Ante-Mortem Probate and Procedural Due Process Limitations on Succession, Gregory S. Alexander and Albert M. Pearson
The Antidumping Law: Repeal It or Revise It, John J. Barceló III
Scope of the Physician’s Duty to Reduce Risks Posed by Epileptic Drivers, H. Richard Beresford
Luther and the Justifiability of Resistance to Legitimate Authority, Cynthia Grant Bowman
Legal Education and Legal Services--Some Reflections, Roger C. Cramton
Escape from Cruel and Unusual Punishment: A Theory of Constitutional Necessity, Cynthia R. Farina
France: Libraries of Law and Librarians, Claire M. Germain
Renewed Judicial Controversy Over Defective Product Design: Toward the Preservation of an Emerging Consensus, James A. Henderson Jr.
Policing Contract Modifications under the UCC: Good Faith and the Doctrine of Economic Duress, Robert A. Hillman
Public Assurance of an Adequate Minimum Income in Old Age: The Erratic Partnership between Social Insurance and Public Assistance, Peter W. Martin
Property, E. F. Roberts
The Code of Professional Responsibility as a Measure of Attorney Liability in Civil Litigation, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1978
The Conservatorship Model: A Modification, Gregory S. Alexander
Cognitive Death: Differential Problems and Legal Overtones, H. Richard Beresford
The Role of Judges in Life/Death Decisions for the Neurologically Impaired, H. Richard Beresford
Improving on the Contingent Fee, Kevin M. Clermont and John D. Currivan
The Ordinary Religion of the Law School Classroom, Roger C. Cramton
Reflections on a Unified Theory of Motive, Theodore Eisenberg
Manufacturers' Liability for Defective Product Design: A Proposed Statutory Reform, James A. Henderson Jr.
Implementing Federal Environment Policies: The Limits of Aspirational Commands, James A. Henderson Jr. and Richard N. Pearson
Social Security Benefits for Spouses, Peter W. Martin
Welfare Law: A Challenging Field for Lawyers, Peter W. Martin
Property, E. F. Roberts
Defamatory Non-Media Speech and First Amendment Methodology, Steven H. Shiffrin
General Equitable Principles under Section 1-103 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Robert S. Summers
Professor Fuller's Jurisprudence and America's Dominant Philosophy of Law, Robert S. Summers
Two Types of Substantive Reasons: The Core of a Theory of Common-Law Justification, Robert S. Summers
Barriers to Effective Public Participation in Regulation of the Legal Profession, Charles W. Wolfram
Client Perjury, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1977
Canada and the United States: A Changing Relationship in a Changing World, Panel Discussion and Prognostications, John J. Barceló III
Canada and the United States: A Changing Relationship in a Changing World, Panel Discussion on Regulation of Foreign Investment and Trade, John J. Barceló III
Subsidies and Countervailing Duties--Analysis and a Proposal, John J. Barceló III
The Development of the Lutheran Theory of Resistance: 1523-1530, Cynthia Grant Bowman
The Hired Gun or the Social Engineer, Roger C. Cramton
Disproportionate Impact and Illicit Motive: Theories of Constitutional Adjudication, Theodore Eisenberg
Statutory Liens and the Bankruptcy Act: U.C.C. § 2-702 and Section 67(c), Robert A. Green
Effects of Corroboration Instructions in a Rape Case on Experimental Juries, Valerie P. Hans and Neil Brooks
Construction of the Uniform Commercial Code: UCC Section 1-103 and "Code" Methodology, Robert A. Hillman
Mineral Taxation in Zambia, Muna Ndulo
The Requirement of Domestic Participation in New Mining Ventures in Zambia, Muna Ndulo
An Easterner's Perspective on Colorado Land Use Issues, E. F. Roberts
Property, E. F. Roberts
The Unemployment Rate: Time to Give It a Rest?, Stewart J. Schwab and John J. Seater
Submissions from 1976
Judicial Review of Medical Treatment Programs, H. Richard Beresford
Competency for What?, Roger C. Cramton
Getting the Law School Down to Where the World Is, Roger C. Cramton
Judicial Law Making and Administration, Roger C. Cramton
Promise and Reality in Legal Services, Roger C. Cramton
Screening Judicial Candidates for Election, W. David Curtiss
Section 12 of the Canada Evidence Act and the Deliberations of Simulated Juries, Valerie P. Hans and Anthony N. Doob
Design Defect Litigation Revisited, James A. Henderson Jr.
Expanding the Negligence Concept: Retreat from the Rule of Law, James A. Henderson Jr.
Keeping the Deal Together After Material Breach--Common Law Mitigation Rules, the UCC, and the Restatement (Second) of Contracts, Robert A. Hillman
Property, E. F. Roberts
The Antibiotics Class Actions, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1975
The Application and Avoidance of Foreign Law in the Law of Conflicts: Variations on a Theme of Alexander Nekam, Gregory S. Alexander
Lessons of Watergate, Roger C. Cramton
The Task Ahead in Legal Services, Roger C. Cramton
Legal Lore - People v. Kief: A Sharp Quillet of the Law, W. David Curtiss
Disbarment in the United States: Who Shall Do the Noisome Work?, Michael C. Dorf
A General Solution for Linear Decision Rules: An Optimal Dynamic Strategy Applicable Under Uncertainty, George A. Hay and Charles C. Holt
Welfare Law: The Problem of Terminology, Peter W. Martin
Submissions from 1974
American Legal Education: An Agenda for Research and Reform, Barry B. Boyer and Roger C. Cramton
Comment, Roger C. Cramton
Federal Appellate Justice in 1973, Roger C. Cramton
What is the Public Interest? Who Represents It?, Roger C. Cramton
Congressional Authority to Restrict Lower Federal Court Jurisdiction, Theodore Eisenberg
An Empirical Survey of Price Fixing Conspiracies, George A. Hay and Daniel Kelley
Judicial Notice: An Exercise in Exorcism, E. F. Roberts
Evaluating and Improving Legal Processes – A Plea for “Process Values”, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1973
Citizen Suits in the Environmental Field – Peril or Promise?, Roger C. Cramton
On Leading a Horse to Water: NEPA and the Federal Bureaucracy, Roger C. Cramton and Richard K. Berg
Import Controls on Foreign Oil: Reply, George A. Hay
External Diseconomies in Competitive Supply: Comment, George A. Hay and John J. McGowan
Judicial Review of Manufacturers' Conscious Design Choices: The Limits of Adjudication, James A. Henderson Jr.
The Search and Seizure of Private Papers: Fourth and Fifth Amendment Considerations, Steven H. Shiffrin
The Constitutional History of the Seventh Amendment, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1972
Antidumping Laws As Barriers to Trade--The United States and the International Antidumping Code, John J. Barceló III
A Comment on Trial-Type Hearings in Nuclear Power Plant Siting, Roger C. Cramton
A Federal Ombudsman, Roger C. Cramton
A Title Change for Federal Hearing Examiners? "A Rose by Any Other Name…”, Roger C. Cramton
Causes and Cures of Administrative Delay, Roger C. Cramton
Regulatory Structure and Regulatory Performance: A Critique of the Ash Council Report, Roger C. Cramton
The Why, Where and How of Broadened Public Participation in the Administrative Process, Roger C. Cramton
Achieving Prompt Criminal Trials in New York, W. David Curtiss
A Note on the Stigler-Kindahl Study of Industrial Prices, George A. Hay
The Dynamics of Firm Behavior Under Alternative Cost Structures, George A. Hay
External Economies and Competitive Equilibrium, George A. Hay and John J. McGowan
Torts: 1971 Survey of New York Law, Faust F. Rossi and Warren E. George
Submissions from 1971
Legal Issues Relating to Electroconvulsive Therapy, H. Richard Beresford
The Teaching of Legal Medicine in Medical Schools in the United States, H. Richard Beresford
Proposals for Change in the Structure of Antitrust Enforcement: The Department of Justice, the FTC and the Courts, Roger C. Cramton
Import Controls on Foreign Oil: Tariff or Quota?, George A. Hay
The Demise of Property Law, E. F. Roberts
A Critique of Professor Fried’s Anatomy of Values, Robert S. Summers
The Technique Element in Law, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1970
Federal Habeas Corpus, Kevin M. Clermont
Nonstatutory Review of Federal Administrative Action: The Need for Statutory Reform of Sovereign Immunity, Subject Matter Jurisdiction, and Parties Defendant, Roger C. Cramton
Adjustment Costs and the Flexible Accelerator, George A. Hay
Production, Price, and Inventory Theory, George A. Hay
The Right to a Decent Environment; E =MC²: Environment Equals Man Times Courts Redoubling their Efforts, E. F. Roberts
Maynard E. Pirsig: Idealism in the Service of Judicial Administration, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1969
Driver Behavior and Legal Sanctions: A Study of Deterrence, Roger C. Cramton
A Defense of the Use of the Hypothetical Case to Resolve the Causation Issue--The Need for an Expanded, Rather Than a Contracted, Analysis, James A. Henderson Jr.
Insurance: 1969 Survey of New York Law Part Three, Commercial Law, Faust Rossi
Notes from a Study of the Caseload of the Minnesota Supreme Court: Some Comments and Statistics on Pressures and Responses, Charles W. Wolfram
Submissions from 1968
The Problem of the Drinking Driver, Roger C. Cramton
A Eulogy for the Old Property, E. F. Roberts
From Common Law Logic-Chopper to Land-Use Planner: Eulogy for the Lawyer as Social Engineer, E. F. Roberts
"Good Faith" in General Contract Law and the Sales Provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1967
Mistake and Fraud in Wills--Part I: A Comparative Analysis of Existing Law, James A. Henderson Jr.
Mistake and Fraud in Wills--Part II: A Suggested Statutory Departure, James A. Henderson Jr.
Preliminary Notes toward a Study of Judicial Notice, E. F. Roberts
The Case of the Unwary Home Buyer: The Housing Merchant Did It, E. F. Roberts
Submissions from 1966
Some Modest Suggestions for Improving Public Utility Rate Proceedings, Roger C. Cramton
Natural Law Demythologized: A Functional Theory of Norms for a Revolutionary Epoch, E. F. Roberts
The Reapportionment Cases: Cognitive Lag, the Malady and its Cure, E. F. Roberts and Paul T. Shultz III
The New Analytical Jurists, Robert S. Summers
A Report on Judicial Ethics, Gray Thoron
Submissions from 1965
The Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies in Michigan, Roger C. Cramton
Negligence: Blackstone to Shaw to? An Intellectual Escapade in a Tory Vein, E. F. Roberts
A Brief Rejoinder to Professor Mullock, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1964
Administrative Procedure Reform: The Effects of S. 1663 on the Conduct of Federal Rate Proceedings, Roger C. Cramton
The Effectiveness of Economic Regulation: A Legal View, Roger C. Cramton
The Powers of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, Roger C. Cramton
A Rule is a Rule because it is the Rule: Intellectual Crisis in Conflict of Laws, E. F. Roberts
Submissions from 1963
Title Insurance: State Regulation and the Public Perspective, E. F. Roberts
"Is" and "Ought" in Legal Philosophy, Robert S. Summers
Justiciability, Robert S. Summers
Logic in the Law, Robert S. Summers
Professor H.L.A. Hart's Concept of Law, Robert S. Summers
Security Interests in a Retail Merchant's Inventory: California Amends the Uniform Commercial Code, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1962
Liens and Equity Rules in a Creditor's Application for a Receiver in Texas, Lee A. Chagra and Charles W. Wolfram
Commercial Law and Contracts – 1961 Oregon Survey, Robert S. Summers
H.L.A. Hart on Justice, Robert S. Summers
Secured Transactions under the Uniform Commercial Code, Robert S. Summers
Should Oregon Adopt the Uniform Commercial Code Concept of the "Floating Lien"?, Robert S. Summers
Symbolic Logic and the Law: A Reply to Professors Allen and Tammelo, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1961
Diversification of Ownership in the Regulated Industries – The Folklore of Regulation, Roger C. Cramton
Law and Literature: The Contemporary Image of the Lawyer, Henry B. Cushing and E. F. Roberts
Compulsory Disclosure and the First Amendment - The Scope of Judicial Review, Robert B. Kent
Paradoxes in Law Enforcement, E. F. Roberts
Presumptions: Phenomena on the Periphery, E. F. Roberts
A Critique of the Business-Purpose Doctrine, Robert S. Summers
A Note on Symbolic Logic and the Law, Robert S. Summers
Commercial Law – 1960 Oregon Survey, Robert S. Summers
Contracts – 1960 Oregon Survey, Robert S. Summers
Submissions from 1959
The Supreme Court and State Power to Deal with Subversion and Loyalty, Roger C. Cramton
The Supreme Court and the Decline of State Power, Roger C. Cramton
An Introduction to the Study of Presumptions, E. F. Roberts
Submissions from 1958
Pennsylvania v. Nelson: A Case Study in Federal Pre-Emption, Roger C. Cramton
An Introduction to the Study of Presumptions, E. F. Roberts